2025. A spiritual year. Live in airplane mode.
«The duality of the human being: love or ego; unity or separation; hope or skepticism
My dear readers, followers and friends, I wish you a 2025 in which Love, Unity and Hope are your teachers so that you can live in a state of abundance and co-creation, and leave survival behind. This new cycle once again gives us the possibility of starting with great strength and positivity despite everything that has happened and is happening. In difficult moments is when we most recognize and bring out the great potential that we are and carry within us: empathy, compassion, solidarity, the ability to transform ourselves and the world around us. And we have seen it, amply, last fall with the DANA tragedy.
I have titled the article 2025 “A spiritual year: Living in airplane mode”, firstly, because it seems to me a very appropriate simile to transfer to our daily lives. Emulate what we do with our cell phones when we put them in that state, that is, we do not disconnect the device, but we do not allow them to disturb us, applied to our life: remain connected to everything around us, but do not allow them to disturb us or disturb the low vibrational frequencies caused by negative emotions and thoughts, fears, toxic relationships, daily news from the media – they should be called “bad news” because they only tell the negative – notifications, messages, advertising calls, etc., on our cell phones, which have become an appendage of our body. In this way, we take a spiritual impulse, an impulse of consciousness and achieve greater energetic/vibrational balance and well-being, which not only benefits oneself, but also others (that great collective mind or unified field of consciousness).
And, secondly, I have titled it this way, to complement, as far as possible, the proclamation of the United Nations General Assembly of 2025 as “International Year of Quantum Science and Technology”, because although it is true that we are fully immersed in the quantum world – I am passionate about it – it is also true that, more than ever, it has to go hand in hand with our humanism and our spirituality.
In an interesting CEDRO seminar that I did last November, given by the doctor in Philosophy and Hispanic Literatures Juan Luis Suárez, on “Teaching to learn, learning to teach in the digital age”, it was very clear that, how much sooner!, We need technological organization processes and prepare new generations so that they can adapt to all technological advances, without forgetting that human beings are analog, like all matter in the Universe, not digital: we are not zeros and ones. Beyond our physical body there is a consciousness, an essence, a spirit or whatever we want to call it. 95% of Nobel Prize winners in Science are theists, compared to 5% who are agnostic. Max Planck, considered the founder of quantum theory and Nobel Prize winner in Sciences in 1918, already said: “Science imposes God.”
With each passing year more and more people are awakening to their dormant spirituality in this rational world driven by a liberal economy (which has erased all moral judgment) and “soulless” technocrats, as I have recently heard it said.
Respect, ethics of caring for others and oneself, trust in institutions and above all hope to lead us to action and transformation, must be our values in this new year and in this great revolution that the digital world represents.
Happy 2025! Happy Year 5 of the New Humanity!
A huge hug of Light for everyone!
Emi Zanon Simón