The Nicaraguan dictatorship advances in the reform of the Constitution: it approved depriving “traitors to the country” of nationality

The National Assembly of Nicaragua approved this Wednesday in the second legislature articles of a reform to the Political Constitutionin which it states that “Traitors to the homeland lose Nicaraguan nationality”.
The constitutional amendment, approved unanimous way In the second and final vote, it establishes the deprivation of nationality to “traitors to the country”which until now has been applied -without being in force in the Magna Carta- to 452 Nicaraguansincluding writers Sergio Ramirez and Gioconda Belli; and the bishops Rolando Alvarez and Silvio Baez.
The Sandinista deputy Patricia Sanchez Urbina explained in the plenary session that, according to the Law for the Defense of the People’s Rights to Independence, Sovereignty and Self-Determination for Peace, Those Nicaraguans who lead or finance a “coup d’état” are considered traitors to the country..

Also those who alter the constitutional order, who encourage or encourage terrorist acts, who carry out acts that undermine independence, sovereignty, and self-determination, who incite foreign interference in internal affairs, request military interventions, and organize with financing of foreign powers to carry out acts of terrorism and destabilization.
Furthermore, those who propose and manage economic, commercial and financial operations blockades against the country and its institutions, those who demand, exalt and applaud the imposition of sanctions against the State of Nicaragua and its citizens, and all those who harm the interests supreme powers of the nation contemplated in the legal system.
According to that law, “Traitors to the country” will not be able to run for popularly elected positions.without prejudice to the corresponding criminal actions established in the Penal Code.

Another point approved this Wednesday defines the limits of the country with Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Jamaica and Panamabased on the failures of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), based in The Hague.
The constitutional amendment, also approved unanimously in the second and final vote, defines the limits of the national territory of Nicaragua, which, it says, It is located between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean and the Republics of Honduras and Costa Rica.
The reform establishes that, in accordance with the rulings of the ICJ, of October 8, 2007, November 19, 2012, and February 2, 2018, Nicaragua borders in the Caribbean Sea with Honduras, Jamaica, Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica.
“The sovereignty, jurisdiction and rights of Nicaragua extend to the islands, keys, banks and rocks located in the Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Fonseca, formerly known as Golfo Chorotega,” according to the reformed constitutional norm.
In addition, it includes “the internal waters, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone, the continental shelf and the corresponding airspace, in accordance with the law and the rules of International Law, and the rulings issued by the International Court of Justice.”

This Wednesday, the National Assembly of Nicaragua also approved include the flag of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) as a national symbola party in government since 2007, and whose general secretary is the country’s dictator, Daniel Ortega.
Article 13 of the reformed Magna Carta establishes that The national symbols are the National Anthem, the Blue and White flags of Nicaragua “and the red and black flag of the anti-imperialist struggle of General Augusto C. Sandino (1895-1934) and the Sandinista popular revolution”as well as the National Shield.
The legislators, who They will reform 148 of the 198 articles of the Magna Carta and repeal another 37including the one prohibiting the practice of torture and the writ of Habeas Corpus, unanimously approved this Wednesday in a second and final vote the single chapter of the second title referred to on the State.
The constitutional reform, which has been harshly criticized by the UN, the Organization of American States (OAS), the United States and Nicaraguan opponents, extends the presidential term from 5 to 6 yearsestablishes the figure of “co-president“, that The Executive will “coordinate” the other “organs” of the State that stop calling themselves powers, legalizes statelessnessand create the Volunteer Policeaccused of being a paramilitary force.
The head of Parliament, the Sandinista Gustavo Porrashas explained that this partial reform of the Constitution will continue to be discussed “article by article” and they plan to have it ready by January 30.
(With information from agencies)