Portal of the Catholic Church of Malaga
More than 40 educational centers in Malaga Capital and Province participate in the VIII edition of the Catholic religion Olympics, known as “Relicat Games”. On Saturday, February 1 will take place the individual competition.
There are four categories in which students will participate, from 5th grade to 2nd Baccalaureate of both public and concerted or private centers. The competition takes place at the Santa Teresa Academy (Teresian College).
After the individual meeting, the team competition will be held on Saturday, April 26.
«This event is more than an academic act, it is a clear manifestation of the importance of this matter for young people and their families. It is coexistence between teachers and religion students. Perhaps a new more excuse to meet in a extracurricular activity. And above all a new opportunity, why not, to encourage students to interest this matter and prestige the area between the educational community and society in general. But with the Relicat Games a healthy environment is also intended in which there are no opponents but companionship and in which the search for knowledge is not at odds with fun, ”they say from the Diocesan Teaching Delegation.
(Tagstotranslate) Diocese of Malaga
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