They discover a new type of blood group after solving a 50-year-old mystery
In 1972, a pregnant woman’s blood analysis revealed a unique abnormality: the absence of a molecular marker present in all red blood cells known up to that time. For decades, this peculiarity intrigued scientists, who finally managed to identify it as a new blood group system in humansknown as EVIL. This advance, published in September 2024, represents a significant achievement in hematology, especially for the care of patients with extremely rare blood types.
The MAL blood group system is based on the presence or absence of the antigen AnWja molecule that covers the surface of red blood cells and is found in more than 99.9% of people. This antigen associates with a protein crucial in cellular stability and transport. However, some people lack AnWj due to a mutation in both copies of the MAL gene, making them AnWj-negative. This discovery was possible thanks to studies that managed to insert the normal MAL gene into AnWj-negative blood cells, which caused the appearance of the AnWj antigen in these cells, thus confirming their genetic relationship.
50 years of mystery
Identification of the MAL system has important medical implications, since incompatible blood transfusions can cause serious reactions and even be fatal. Detecting and classifying blood types such as MAL-negative allows greater safety in medical procedures. Furthermore, the absence of the AnWj antigen may be linked to underlying diseases that suppress the expression of the MAL gene, making this finding a valuable tool for more accurate diagnoses.
Although the MAL protein does not appear at birth, it emerges shortly thereafter, suggesting an important role in cell development. Although AnWj-negative individuals do not present significant abnormalities, the study continues investigating the possible implications of this oddity.
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