Rosalba, a young coffee bar that feeds spirituality – radio sancti spíritus

Rosalba, a young coffee bar that feeds spirituality – radio sancti spíritusRosalba, a young coffee bar that feeds spirituality – radio sancti spíritus
Café Rosalba bar, a coffee for artists. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

What was the old residence of the Carbonell-Mindigutía family, a building of the 18th century, located in today Independencia Sur #10, today houses the headquarters of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba of the province.

And in the way of modern times, an intimate, quiet space, which invites a stop in everyday hustle for a moment of rest, makes the novelty.

Graffiti, one of the peculiarities of Café Rosalba. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.Graffiti, one of the peculiarities of Café Rosalba. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

Graffiti, one of the peculiarities of Café Rosalba. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

It is the new Café Rosalba bar, a coffee for artists, as announced by the visitor.

Hands and young talent are responsible for elaborating different varieties of the pleasant black nectar, which also usually accompanies every activity that there, in the great inner courtyard of the institution, takes place.

Who travels through the spirit boulevard, in one direction and another, looks at the site, where the invitation is permanent and the tasting is accompanied by an old vitrola and its discs, graffiti and that touch of fed spirituality that makes Rosalba, a place for enjoyment.

Hands and young talent make the service distinction. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.Hands and young talent make the service distinction. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

Hands and young talent make the service distinction. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

Varieties from coffee delight the visitor. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.Varieties from coffee delight the visitor. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

Varieties from coffee delight the visitor. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

Taste an exquisite coffee, one of the opportunities that the coffee bar gives. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.Taste an exquisite coffee, one of the opportunities that the coffee bar gives. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

Taste an exquisite coffee, one of the opportunities that the coffee bar gives. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

Young are regular customers of the Café Rosalba bar. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.Young are regular customers of the Café Rosalba bar. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

Young are regular customers of the Café Rosalba bar. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

The Café Rosalba bar, an invitation to spirituality. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.The Café Rosalba bar, an invitation to spirituality. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

The Café Rosalba bar, an invitation to spirituality. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

The Café Rosalba bar invites a stop in everyday hustle for a moment of rest. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.The Café Rosalba bar invites a stop in everyday hustle for a moment of rest. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

The Café Rosalba bar invites a stop in everyday hustle for a moment of rest. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

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