A picture is worth a thousand words and the one that generated a ignition debate on social networks this Thursday shows one of the windows of the Casa Rosadawith his open postcons, which revealed that he was talled with bricks. The accusations without foundation appeared right away in Twitter: For some, Karina Milei ordered to block the view outside an office; For others, that office hides something.

Neither the one, nor the other: it is a false window that does not give an atmosphere, but to a patio; And neither was the work during this administration, since it was part of a series of reforms at the government headquarters carried out by the government of Mauricio Macri In 2019.

The mystery fed fantasies in the networks for hours and were generated with a video that quickly went viral. From Hipólito Yrigoyen Street, the upholstered window is observed on the first floor.

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The mystery of the Casa Rosada

The speculation soon arrived and were faster than the explanations to unveil the mystery in Balcarce 50.

The first big doubt: Why were bricks in sight? Official sources point to the wind as responsible for opening the postigos that, for obvious reasons, can only be moved from outside.

The second: What does it hide? Nothing. The window does not belong to an office but one of the interior courtyards of the Casa Rosada, called Patio del Aljibe. “He was closed, roofed and subdivided into small offices for a long time. Rescued, after years of having lost his patio status, he was put in patrimonial value,” says an official gazette.


The courtyard of the cistern.

One of the most repeated irony in the networks indicated that it is the first public works of the Government of Javier Milei. Nor is it so. When Macri came to power, the then general secretary of the Presidency,Fernando de Andreis, launched in 2017 an ambitious reform plan of the Casa Rosada. “It is a historic building that is almost 150 years old to which we want to project it for the next 100,” the official boasted in those days.

Embed – Remodeling Project of the Casa Rosada

Even, captures of Google Maps May 2019 show that at that time the mysterious window was already covered.


Despite the information, the elucubrations of the networks did not stop. The upholstered window was revealed just when it is known that the Cabinet vice chief, José Rolandihe was forced to move his office outside the Casa Rosada at the request of Karina Milei, who ordered him to withdraw from Balcarce’s small table 50. Until then, the surviving official of the management of Nicolás Posse It was an important link between the Executive and Congress. Now he will be transferred to the Cabinet Headquarters building in Avenida Belgrano and Diagonal Sur.

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