The Centro Medjugorje Foundation launches mobile application in the XV Ibero -American Congress – Medjugorje

Within the framework of the XV Ibero -American Congress of Medjugorje, the Centro Medjugorje Foundation (FCM) has announced the official launch of a mobile application with a firm evangelizing purpose. This innovative digital tool seeks to help the spirituality transmitted by the Virgin Mary under the invocation of Queen of Peace (known as “La Gospa” in Croatian) and contribute to dissemination, in the Spanish -speaking world of Spanish, of the Extraordinary event that has taken place in Medjugorje for more than 40 years.

An application for evangelization

The FCM mobile application has been designed to help users live and deepen the Gospa messages. Available for both Android and iOS devices, this app facilitates access to a wealth of spiritual resources for young people and adults who want to strengthen their life of faith.

Download the application:

Main functionalities

The official mobile application of the FCM not only offers information about the events and protagonists of Medjugorje, but also provides a practical guide to live the Five stonesthe pillars of spirituality promoted by the Virgin Queen of Peace:

1. Prayer

  • Holy Rosario (Text and Audio)
  • Angelus and Regina Coeli (text and audio)
  • Crown of the Divine Mercy (text and audio)
  • Prayer to María Reina de la Paz
  • Veni Creator
  • Via Crucis (text and audio)

2. Eucharist

  • Live broadcast of the Eucharistic celebration from Medjugorje, with simultaneous translation into Spanish.

3. Bible reading

  • Full and easy access to the old and New Testament reading.

4. Fast

  • Gospa messages about the importance of fasting as part of the conversion path.

5. Confession

  • Gospa teachings about confession and a practical guide with conscientious examination for better sacramental preparation.

More than an app: a spiritual guide

In addition to these pillars, the application offers sections dedicated to deepening the history of Medjugorje, Marian events, seers, masses schedules, events, news and much more.

Innovation and digital evangelization

Thinking about the young public and the incorporation of technology at the service of faith, the FCM has developed Fray Botan assistant with artificial intelligence that allows users to ask questions and establish an interactive dialogue about the messages and spirituality of medjugorje. This innovative resource seeks to bring the faithful closer, especially to the new generations, the experience of conversion and love that the Queen of Peace invites to live.

With this application, the Centro Medjugorje Foundation reaffirms its commitment to continue spreading the message of María Reina de la Paz and to provide tools that facilitate the spiritual growth of the Spanish -speaking community in the world.

In a second phase, the application will be available in other languages.

Download the application today and begins to live the spirituality of medjugorje in your day to day.

Play Store (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.medjugorje.app

APPLASTORE (iPhone): https://apps.apple.com/pe/app/gospa-app/id1566762759

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