Conversations of Saint Stephen: Saint Thomas, use of writing and spirituality
From the professors of the Faculty of Theology of San Esteban Br. Eliseo Rodríguez OP and Br. Manuel Ángel Martínez Juan OP
Within the framework of the conference cycle Conversations of Saint Stephenthat this course celebrates two significant events: the VIII centenary of the death of Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Jubilee of Hope, a new session took place dedicated to exploring the figure and legacy of Aquinas.
On this occasion, the professors of the Faculty of Theology of San Esteban, Eliseo Rodríguez Gutiérrez, OP, and Manuel Ángel Martínez Juan, OP, they delved into the use of writing and spirituality in the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
The conference addressed topics such as the two main meanings of Scripture according to Saint Thomas Aquinas: the literal sense and the spiritual sense. The four different types of spiritual meaning were also explored: the allegorical sense, the moral sense, the anagogical sense, and the eschatological sense.
Additionally, the spirituality of Saint Thomas Aquinas, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and rooted in the Scriptures, was discussed.
This conference is part of a cycle of conversations that seek to delve deeper into the figure and legacy of Saint Thomas Aquinas, one of the greatest thinkers of the Catholic Church.