This is the Florida school plan if ICE tries to make arrests within them

The counties of the center of
The counties of the Florida downtown have established protocols in case ICE entered their schools to make arrests. (Reuters/Jose Luis Gonzalez)

The possibility that agents of Immigration and Customs Control (ICE) They enter Florida schools to conduct interviews or arrests has generated concern between students, families and educational communities. Sesta concern arises after the government’s decision to revoke a 2011 directive that limited ICE activities in places considered sensitive, such as schools, churches and hospitals. Although so far there have been no arrests in educational institutions of the State, school districts are already preparing protocols to face possible scenarios.

According to Florida Today, The revocation of this policy has begun to have tangible effects. A recent case in the county Miami-Dade He illustrates this reality: a teacher was arrested outside the campus, leaving his students without one of his educators. This incident has lit alarms in other communities, as in the county of Brevardwhere rumors about alleged arrests of students at the high school of Melbourne They generated fear, although local authorities denied these reports.

The school districts of Florida Centralincluded Brevard, Orange, Volusia, St. Lucie, Osceola and Seminolehave issued guidelines for their employees on how to act in the event that ICE agents are presented on campus. As detailed Florida Todayall districts demand that agents identify themselves by official credentials, such as plates, identifications with photography and presentation cards.

In the case of Brevardpolicies establish that agents must register and sign when entering and leaving schools, like any other visitor. On the other hand, the districts of Orange, Seminole, Volusia and Osceola They specify that agents must submit a valid citation or a court order if they wish to access student records.

ICE agents must present
ICE agents must present official identifications when entering schools. (Infobae Illustrative Image)

One of the biggest concerns is what happens if ICE requests to interview a student. According to the policies of the districts, school administrators should try to obtain the consent of the parents before allowing A minor speaks with immigration agents. However, if the authorities indicate that parents should not be contacted, school employees are obliged to abide by these instructions.

In most districts, it is recommended that an administrator be present during the interview, although ICE can deny this request. In this case, employees must leave the room and allow agents to perform the interrogation. Florida Today He stressed that in Brevardno specific guidelines have been issued on how to proceed in these situations, which leaves a vacuum in the protection of student rights.

If a student is arrested, Policies vary between the districts. In all counties, except in Brevardit is established that parents must be notified immediately. In BrevardHowever, the responsibility of informing parents falling on the agency for application of the law.

In the counties of St. Lucie and Osceolathe guidelines allow the authorities to ask school employees not to inform parents about an arrest. In these cases, employees must document the instructions received and, in the case of St. Lucienotify the legal department of the district. In Osceolaany parent consultation must be sent directly to the authorities.

School guidelines
The guidelines of the counties of the counties suggest that the school administrators try to obtain parental consent before allowing ICE interviews to minors. (Infobae Illustrative Image)

Despite uncertainty, immigrant students have rights that must be respected. According to a judicial ruling of 1990, the Florida school districts cannot ask about the immigration status of students at the time of registration or denying educational services based on their immigration situation. This ruling also establishes that the districts cannot refer students to ICE.

Organizations like him National Immigration Law Center (NILC) They recommend that students and their families know their rights. Among the suggestions, it is included to carry evidence of having resided in the United States for at least two years, since this could avoid immediate deportation without the intervention of a judge. In addition, it is advised not to answer questions about the immigration status without the presence of a lawyer and not sign documents without legal advice.

However, the impact of immigration policies also extends to educational personnel. In the case of the teacher detained in Miami-Dadethe Florida Education Association (FeA) He expressed concern about repercussions on students and the community. “In the days and weeks that follow, the children of one of our public schools will no longer be able to learn from their favorite teacher,” said the ugly in a statement.

Although no specific guidelines have been issued on how to proceed if a teacher is arrested, some districts, such as St. Lucie, Volusia and SeminoleThey have warned their employees that they must comply with the orders of the authorities to avoid legal consequences, such as charges for justice obstruction.

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