The IV Interreligious Days ‘Spirit of Córdoba’ start with the focus on the care of human life

The Córdoba Congresses Palace hosts the fourth edition of the interreligious days “Spirit of Córdoba” from today, which are articulated around the thematic axis of “care of human life.” The initiative, consolidated since its launch four years agobrings together representatives of various religious confessions with the aim of generating a space for dialogue, reflection and cooperation around fundamental issues for society.

Juan SaladoCEO of the Palacio de Congresos, has given the Beinvenida highlighting the Social responsibility which assumes the enclosure in promoting interreligious understanding. «Four years ago we favored this initiative because Since 1978 there was not talk in Córdoba of interreligious dialogue In a common forum, ”he explained, stressing that the role of the palace is the dynamizer and facilitator of an equidistant space where all confessions can discuss equal conditions.

The program of this edition contemplates several discussion tables in which the role of spirituality will be addressed in the accompaniment to people in different stages of life. Isabel Romerorepresentative of the Islamic community, has highlighted the importance of the first block, focused on the relationship between spirituality, major and care. “Spirituality takes on a fundamental value in the last cycle of life, both for those who travel it and for those around them,” he said, underlining the need to claim The active role of the elderly in the transmission of values ​​and experiences. In this block Patricia Carles Grassin, Debora López, Ana Sierra Gámez and Joseph Salama will intervene.

Antonio Navarro, Isabel Romero, Juan Salado, Carolina Aisen and Carolina Bueno

Antonio NavarroCatholic priest, highlighted the Dimension of patient carecentral theme of the second block of the day. «We want to show that the human being is not worth what it produces, but for what it is. Spirituality can be an engine to energize care in moments of disease and weakness, ”he said. In his speech he has influenced the importance of accompaniment and comfort as fundamental pillars of integral care. Dunia Ammar Chaib, Carmen Lara, Enrique Aranda Aguilar and Sara Chocron will participate in this space.

For its part, Carolina Buenorepresentative of the Federation of Protestant and Evangelical Churches of Spain, has emphasized the impact of spirituality on the Childhood and youth care. “We want to reflect on what faith contributes to the accompaniment of children and young people in a particularly convulsed time for them, but also about what they can contribute to our religious communities,” he explained, highlighting the need to build spaces for intergenerational dialogue inside of the confessions. Francisca del Carmen Sánchez García, Esteban Buch Sánchez, Iván de Arteaga del Alcázar and Daniela Shalom will participate.

The fourth block of the day, which will analyze the role of spirituality in the community life and coexistence, He will have the intervention of Jalid Nieto, Ángel Martínez Rodríguez, María Amor Martín Fernández and Ary Mesyngier.

The Córdoba Congresses Palace, together with the Mosque-Catedral, will be the scenario where the presentations, round tables and cultural activities that make up the program of this meeting are developed, whose purpose is to strengthen the role of Córdoba as a city of understanding and coexistence .

The IV Interreligious Days ‘Spirit of Córdoba’, energized by the Córdoba Congresses Palace itself, are organized by the Diocese of Córdobathe Islamic Board of Spainthe Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (Fcje) and the Federation of evangelical religious entities of Spain (Fered).

The meeting will take place for fourth consecutive year in Córdoba, By valuing the “integrative and plural spirit” of our city, “historically recognized as a bridge between cultures”, which serves the objective of the IV interreligious days, which seek to be “a space for reflection and encounter, where they will be addressed from different perspectives The ethical, social and spiritual challenges related to the care of human life ».

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