A marine show: more than 1,500 dolphins formed a “supergroup” on the coast of California

An extraordinary event took place in the bay of Carmelon the central coast of Californiawhen a massive group of more than 1,500 Risso dolphins It was sighted by moving together. As reported Associated Press (AP)the phenomenon, known as “superpod” or supergroup, surprised both experts and observers, since this type of dolphins It usually travels in much smaller groups, between 10 and 30 individuals. The magnitude of the sighting was recorded in images captured by a drone, which showed the animals jumping and sliding in the water in a show that seemed to have no end.
The sighting occurred last Friday morning, when a team from the organization Monterey Bay Whale Watchled by the captain Evan Brodskyhe went out of search of Gray whales that migrate to the reproduction gaps on the peninsula of Baja California, Mexico. However, what they found was a completely unexpected show. Brodsky, who operated a drone to document marine fauna, described his astonishment when observing the immensity of the group: “He kept saying: ‘Look at my screen. Look how many there are. It never ceases to surprise me. ”
The sighting not only surprised by the number of individuals gathered, but also for the synchronization with which they moved in the water. From the boat, Researchers were able to observe how dolphins moved in fluid patterns, as if they followed an invisible choreography. The undulations on the surface of the sea, caused by their passage, reflected the morning sun, creating a unique visual show. For the team on board, the scene seemed taken from a documentary about marine life, with hundreds of fins emerging and immersing himself in perfect harmony.
According to the Oceanic and atmospheric national administration (NOAA, for its acronym in English)Risso’s dolphins They do not usually form such large groups, which makes this sighting particularly weird. These cetaceans, recognizable by their robust body and their bulbous head, can reach up to 3.9 meters (13 feet) long and weigh up 499 kilograms (1,100 pounds). As explained Colleen Taltymarine biologist that was part of the team, the formation of the supergroup was probably due to the union of several smaller packs that moved south.
Talty stressed that the behavior observed in the dolphins was remarkably playful. Some swam in front of the boat, taking advantage of the waves to boost, in a technique known as “Bow riding”. Others performed jumps, tail blows and movements that seemed coordinatedwhat gave the impression that animals were enjoying a kind of celebration. “It seemed that they were having a great party,” said the biologist.

The Monterey Bay area is known for its marine biodiversity and for being a privileged place to observe cetaceans. Talty explained that the presence of a Submarine cannon In this region, it creates ideal conditions for Risso’s dolphins, which prefer deep water, to approach the coast more. This geographical factor could have facilitated the formation of the supergroup and its proximity to the research team boat.
Although it is not the first time that a group of this magnitude is recorded, Talty stressed that it is not a common phenomenon. The combination of environmental factors and social behavior of dolphins makes these events unpredictable and, therefore, especially exciting for researchers and observers.
Monterey Bay Whale Watch’s team had the opportunity to interact closely with dolphins, although always maintaining the necessary precautions for Do not alter your natural behavior. Brodsky explained that, by navigating with the group, they secured Do not perform abrupt maneuvers that could endanger animals. “The last thing you want is to hurt one of them. We simply sail with them. It was an incredible experience, ”he said.
Talty related a particularly memorable moment when, when it was at the front of the boat, he observed several dolphins on their sides and look at it directly. This type of interaction, although brief, left a lasting impression on the researchers, who highlighted the intelligence and curiosity of these animals.

The use of drones was key to dimensioning the magnitude of the supergroup. Initially, the team thought it was a few hundred dolphins, but aerial images revealed the true scale of the phenomenon. Brodsky expressed his astonishment when reviewing the recordings: “Seeing them from the air is something that never stops impacting me. It is a completely different perspective. ”
Technology not only allowed to capture impressive images, but also provided valuable data for the study of Risso dolphins and their behavior in large groups. This type of tools has become an essential resource for researchers, especially in areas of difficult access or when it comes to observing species that pass much of their time underwater.
The sighting of this supergroup of Delfines de Risso is a reminder of the wealth and diversity of marine life on the coast of California. Events like this highlight the importance of Protect marine ecosystems and continue investigating to better understand species dynamics that inhabit them. As reported APboth the researchers and the observers were deeply impacted by the experience, which qualified as a unique moment in their careers.
Monterey Bay remains a key point for the study and observation of marine fauna, attracting scientists and tourists around the world. This sighting, in particular, not only provides scientific data, but also inspires greater appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the ocean.