a municipal employee wounded in the chest

A fact as confusing as shocking shook the quiet morning of this Monday in Centenary. Around 10, A man was injured with a shot in the chest in room 14 of a motel located on Route 7.
What seemed one more day in that hotel accommodation, quickly became the epicenter of a police investigation that, so far, is surrounded by unknowns, according to what was published by the portal Digital centenary.
The man, which was then confirmed He was an employee of the Municipality of Neuquénentered injured to Centennial Hospital, transferred by the woman who accompanied him.
However, after leaving it in the hospital, she disappeared without giving explanations, and left a series of questions that the researchers of the Fifth Police Station They try to answer.
What happened in that motel
Police arrived at the motel shortly after knowing the case to collect evidence and try to rebuild the facts. According to the first testimonies, the couple entered the establishment early, but what happened later is still a mystery.
The troops reviewed the room where the shot occurred and secured the security cameras of the place, key to Understand whether it was a suicide attempt or if there was anything else behind.
Meanwhile, the man was derived in a critical condition to the Pasteur Clinic, where he remained interned in intensive care until the closing of this edition.
Researchers also investigate the weapon used, which would apparently have been found on the scene, and Yeah There was some previous discussion between them.
A disappearance that complicates the case
The absence of the woman who transferred him to the hospital adds more mystery to the plot. So far, It could not be located or determined its exact relationship with the injured.
Police sources indicated that their testimony will be crucial to clarify what happened in room 14 that morning.
In addition, the motel staff were interrogated to know details about the entrance and behaviors of the couple before the incident. As it transpired, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until the shot was heard.
For now, the hypotheses are many and the few certainties. No research line is ruled out. Lmneuquén knew that the injured man is a municipal employee of Neuquén.
What is known is that the shot not only left a man on the verge of death, but also A list of questions that still have no answer.
At the last minute of this Monday, personnel of the Criminalistics Division concuría to the motel. What also transcended is that in that transitory shelter there would also be the victim’s motorcycle.