A trip to the places loaded with legend, mystery and magic in Europe and Asia

Places with history that describe new, fictitious places, inspired by real spaces, lands and places that now or in the past have created chimeras, utopias and illusions because many people have really believed that they exist or have existed somewhere.
Many of these places have been the origin of fascinating legends; Others have fed the fantasy of mysteries hunters, and there are even stimulated trips and explorations.
The oldest Japanese legend of which you have registration suggests that the Mount Fuji He received his name from the word ‘immortality’. It is a sacred mountain and pilgrimage destination since the seventh century. To venerate the numerous divinities of the different religions related to Mount Fuji, several sanctuaries and numerous toriis, traditional Japanese arches have been built on him.
Considered as one of the most romantic cities, the history of Romeo and Julieta It is one of the main reasons why many visitors Verona Among young lovers and convicted love, destroyed by destiny or bad luck, Verona is where you will learn more about his tragic love story. Verona, with its old walls that surround, its bridges with crenellated parapets, its long and wide street, its memories of the Middle Ages, has a great air that it imposes. The words of the poet Paul Valéry enclose in a few lines the beauty of the Veneta city, settled in a land tongue draws by the River Rights Adige and inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage list.
He Bram Stoker Dracula Castle. It is a very well preserved medieval mansion, which is 25 kilometers northeastern Brasov, in Bran. Surrounded by an aura of mystery and legend around the myth of Dracula of Bram Stoker, this imposing mansion is a mandatory place of passage for those who follow the Dracula route by Transylvania Built on top of a rock 200 meters high, Dracula’s castle impresses with its towers and towers. It was built on the site where a strength of the era of the Teutonic Knights of 1212 was, and was first documented in an act issued by Louis I of Hungary in 1377 in which he granted the Sajones of Krnstadt (Brasov) the privilege of building the citadel.
He Prague Astronomical Clock. The most famous dance of the Czech capital is undoubtedly that of the figures of the Astronomical Clock of Prague, located on the southern facade of the Tower of the City Council of Prague and undisputed star of the famous Plaza de la Ciudad Vieja. The clock has the ability to shake an entire city to the almost remote possibility that its mechanism stops someday. The curse indicates that something terrible will happen and bad luck will chase the Pragueses if that happens. The Astronomical Prague clock the symbol by antonomasia of the capital of the Czech Republic. From the whole nation, in reality. The homeland pride of the Czechs represented in this prodigy of human engineering and is not for less. Tildar it wonderfully is to fall short. No one who visits Prague may not stop to observe him strongly, located on one of the facades of the Tower of the City Council of the Old City. There it was installed in 1410, in the middle of the Middle Ages, and there it continues. A date that makes it the third oldest astronomical clock in the world and the longest still in full functioning.
Stonehenge is one of the most iconic stone monuments on the entire planet. Located just 140 kilometers from London. According to archaeologists, their oldest remains are over 4000 years old. We can say that the world’s most famous stone circle is Stonehenge. An emblematic monument that today remains one of the favorite mysteries of thousands of people. This stone circle rises lonely making you travel to another time far from the 21st century. This is the most famous megalithic monument built with large blocks of stone forming a circle. It is located on the Salisbury plain, in Wiltshire County, Great Britain (about 130 kilometers from London). In addition to being considered a prehistoric monument, it is also a site where research continues to learn more about the history of our past.
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