According To Stephen Hawking God Didn’t Create The Universe, And God Does Not Exist

“Since there is gravity, we should know that the universe is able to and it is going to create itself from zero. The reason for this creation is because something exists rather than nothing, why we exist, why the universe exists.”

The story of Stephen Hawking is extreme paradox: he thinks miracles do not exist. However, at his age of 72 the doctors said that he himself was one, because he exceeded the life expectancy of a person who had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He was a cosmologist, theoretical physicist and author. In his work he has been collaborating with

Roger Penrose on theorems about gravitational singularity and the predictions that black holes actually emit radiation which is known as the Hawking radiation.

The main question regarding creation is torturing man since always and for this reason people have contributed it to a divine action. These days, the Big Bang theory was refined by science and the huge explosion which gave rise to the universe is more than confirmed.

Because of latest advances we can understand exactly what has happened microseconds later and that is how the planets and galaxies were formed. However, there is still no answer about what has happened before, why everything exists and what triggered that outbreak. For centuries philosophers and scientists have tried to unravel all of these complex questions.

Stephen Hawking is a British cosmologist and he is one of the most dedicated minds on this subject. He was a guest of honor of the Starmus astrophysics festival that was held in Tenerife and his words caused controversy and they confirm the validity without contemplation that God actually does not exist.

Additionally, in the book that he wrote along with Leonard Mlodinow – an American physicist, he said that according to a new series of theories, it is unnecessary to think that there is a creator of the universe.

Hawkins said that this universe started with the Big Bang and it followed the inevitable law of physics. “Since there is gravity, we should know that the universe is able to and it is going to create itself from zero. The reason for spontaneous creation is because something exists rather than nothing, why we exist, why the universe exists.”

The universe was not created by God; it was able to launch its existence alone, without help” says the renowned physicist Stephen Hawking and he explains this in his book. These days, where new theories emerge reapply, the physicists are trying to adapt new theories and ideologies to new discoveries in their respective fields.

“…if we manage to find out a complete theory, it should be understandable in time by many people and not only by scientists. At that moment we all scientist, philosophers, and ordinary people will be able to enjoy in the discussion of the question: what are we and why the universe exist? If we discover the answer to that, it would be the most amazing triumph of human reason – and then we will know the God’s mind.”

“The real question is: did God choose how the universe began or it was only determined by a law of science? I think the answer is number two,” he said. “Since there is gravity, we should know that the universe is able to and it is going to create itself from zero. The reason for spontaneous creation is because something exists rather than nothing, why we exist, why the universe exists.”


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