After meeting in Fortaleza, Justice asks for lists of witnesses and victims without migratory documents – news – the truth as – news of Puerto Rico – Noticel

The guideline was received at the District Prosecutors after last night in the Federal Federal Federal on the island met with the governor.

Department of Justice.

Photo: Archive/notice

The designated secretary of the Department of Justice, Janet Parra Mercado, issued a guideline to the district prosecutors to make a list of victims and witnesses of crime who do not have regularized migratory status.

The order occurred after Governor Jenniffer González Colón and other officials, including Parra Mercado, had a meeting in the fortress with the main flat of the federal government on the island, headed by the head of federal prosecutors, W. Stephen Muldrow, on the detention operations of people without migratory documents as a result of one of the first executive orders signed by President Donald Trump.

After the meeting, González Colón said that “Puerto Rico cannot be affected by not complying” with Trump’s executive orders. “The same executive order speaks of state or territory that does not comply with this order loses federal funds, so Puerto Rico is not in favor of people who have committed crimes and have a criminal file with illegal immigration status in Puerto Rico. I, in that sense, support that determination, ”he added.

He also said that the federal government “is being very aggressive” with the execution of the Non -Legalized Immigrants Deportation Order, but that “it has not required integration of the Government of Puerto Rico for nothing.”

On the victims and witnesses of crime, the governor indicated that “there are some processes that the Puerto Rico Department of Justice leads to those victims who are foreigners, or that they are witnesses of crimes that are foreigners, that it has already begun to work which To be the protocol in those cases so that the status of those people is not affected. ”

Only last January 20, the president had completely ruled out that the deportation order had demonstrations on the island, as it has had it since Sunday particularly against the Dominican community. “They can be calm because anything that the president is going to be doing is not thinking about the Dominican community. He is thinking about the situation he has on the Texas border with the United States and with Mexico, ”he said on that occasion while, last night, he celebrated that this will bring more federal resources of law and order to the island.

Rebecca González Ramos, the head of the Department of National Security (HSI), warned that every immigrant must carry documents that prove that he has legal residential, in case he is involved in one of the raids.

“We here, all components, is not our mission or enter any school, or enter any place to take care of older adults, or enter any church,” he offered as the only limitation during an interview with Notiuno.

The Department of Justice was requested a reaction related to the issue, however, it has not yet been received.

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