Expert Says That We Are Aliens And We Were Brought To Earth Many Years Ago!

According to a group of experts, human beings were crossbred with species from the star system known as Alpha Centauri, which is the closest solar system to the Earth.
Kish, an ancient city of Sumer in Mesopotamia has been located near the modern city Tell-al-Uhaymir in Iraq.
Namely, archaeologists have found an ancient document which probably dates back to 3500 BC. According to this document, Kish was the first city that had kings after the deluge, starting with Jushur.
Jushur’s successor is called Kullassina-bel which means ″All of them were lord″. According to many scholars, this is an indicator of the absence of a central authority in Kish for a certain period of time.
Additionally, the ancient document is also thought to precede the Sumerians’ cuneiform writing and the Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Humans have developed the ability to express their thoughts into written language. Moreover, they have achieved a lot more than any other species on the planet.
So, experts wonder why our species have emerged to this technologically advanced intelligence. It’s obvious that the other species are not as advanced as humans.
There are other ″intelligent″ species on the Earth too, but only humans are intelligent enough to use the technology. However, experts claim that we are not able to occupy a wide range of environments. That is to say, when it comes to our planet we are very limited.
Experts believe that if humans had to go back to the jungle, they wouldn’t be able to survive for a long period of time.
Apart from their superior intelligence, humans have managed to discover the contrast between the physiology of humans and the other species on the planet. They agree that we are different from the other species.
For example, a baby horse can walk independently after birth, while human babies aren’t able to do that. In other words, human beings are born prior to being neurologically prepared for life, which in turn makes them helpless. This means that numerous vulnerabilities accompany our intelligence.
Human beings have eventually become bipeds which enabled them to use the superior extremities. Interestingly, only human beings can feel pain in the lumbar part which is not the case with the other species.
Therefore, according to the environmentalist and ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver, we are the aliens that we have been looking for. He explains that there are several signs which indicate that we didn’t evolve alongside other living beings on the planet.
According to his book ″Humans are not from the Earth″, there are numerous theories for and against evolution of humans on the planet. Specifically, he has evaluated 13 leading hypotheses and 17 factors which suggest that humans are not from this planet.
Dr. Silver believes that mankind is the highly developed species on Earth but unsuited and ill-equipped for the Earth’s environment.
Furthermore, humans may also suffer from back pain since they have evolved on another planet with lower gravity. Also, many babies have enlarged heads, thus making the process of giving birth really hard.
Moreover, many people worldwide have a feeling that they do not belong here. Therefore, Dr. Silver believes that human beings have evolved on another planet and have been transported here as a developed species between 60.000 – 200.000 years ago. However, they consider the Earth as a prison planet and they act pretty violently. This means that we are supposed to stay on this planet until we learn how to behave.
In addition, Robert Sepehr believes that modern DNA sequencing suggests that mankind is not only one race but a hybridized species.
According to him, if humankind evolved from a same African ancestor, everyone’s blood would have been compatible. For instance, where did the Rh-negative blood type come from?
In his book ″Species with Amnesia: Our Forbidden History″ Robert Sepehr revealed some details about the blood type Rh-negative. He claims that there have been extremely advanced civilizations on Earth before us but they were destroyed by the great global catastrophe. He also points out that other races took the place of those that died out.
Although we think we have discovered the great truths of technology and science, we are actually beginning to rediscover the profound knowledge of past civilizations.
In other words, we are the awakening species with Amnesia who struggle to reclaim the forgotten past.