Aston Martin ends with the mystery and presents the Valkyrie for the Wec and the IMSA – News of Resistance

The Valryrie, Aston Martin’s car at the Wec and IMSA Sportscar (Photo: Aston Martin)
Finally, Aston Martin He has revealed the official designs of his expected Hypercarhe Valkyrieto compete both in the Wec as in him IMSAalthough in class GTP of the specialty of the United States will make its entry on the second date, next month in the 12 hours of Sebring.
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The British team has confirmed that it will compete in the WEC in 2025 with two cars, #007 and #009, iconic numbers for the car manufacturer, and that it will compete in the IMSA with #23. In both cases, the cars will be served by the official team, Heart of Racing.
For your Wec debut, which will be in the first race, the 1812 kilometers of Qatarcars will be dark and black green colors, with green details. In #007 the alignment will be composed of Harry Tincknell and Tom Gamblewhile Ross Gunn It will be added in the 24 hours of Le Mans. Alex Riberas and Marco Sorensen They will handle #009, with the addition of Roman of Angelis in the French endurance classic. For the IMSA, the alignment of #23 will be formed by the aforementioned Gunn and Angelis.
Adam Carterthe team leader, commented on the presentation: “It would be almost unimaginable for Newey, one of the best career cars designers in history, design a car and not think about it to compete at some point. Aston Martin Valkyrie is a revolution in the history of automobile engineering, representing the pinnacle of performance, design and innovation. ”
The Valkyrie will have a 6.5 -liter V12 engine, which has caused a rage for its spectacular sound. The vehicle had more than 15 thousand kilometers of tests in several European circuits, such as Jerez or Valelunga, plus other essays in Bahrain, Lusil, in the Middle East, and there were also test in Sebring and Road Atlanta, for example. The car went on track for the first time in July last year and was fully developed at the base of the F1 team, in Silverstone.
Ian Jamesthe head of Heart of Racing, said: “I could not be happier than everything and the reliability we have demonstrated is integrated. For anyone who is dedicated to races, driving a car in the elite of motoring with Aston Martin is a true honor. That they entrust me this program is undoubtedly a culminating point in my career. ”

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The Wec will begin with its 2025 season on February 28 with the 1812 kilometers of Qatar, while the IMSA has already started the year with 24 hours of Daytona. The Valkyrie debut will be March 15 with the 12 hours of Sebring.