Bernardo Arévalo confirms that deportees will be increased by 40%

President Bernardo Arévalo, reported that one of the agreements reached with the visit of the United States Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, is to accept the reception of more immigrants of immigrants returned to the country.
At a press conference, Arévalo announced that his government has pledged to receive more returns from nationals that are irregular in the United States.
Retransmission: Marco Rubio and Bernardo Arévalo offer a conference together
The Guatemalan President pointed out that 40%will increase, the amount of deportees flights. Considering that 5 flights arrived in the country, 40% could represent 2 more weekly flights.
Since the inauguration of the US president, Donald Trump, the country has received 8 flights, most of the military airplanes. From that account there are more 600 Guatemalans expelled from January 24 to February 1.
In the press conference, Arévalo also indicated that he undertakes to provide support to the nationals so that they can integrate into society. This is part of the home return plan.
This plan, consisting of three phases, promises assistance through programs that will implement various institutions.
In that context, Arévalo also indicated that his government is working on strengthening actions to address the causes that cause irregular immigration.
More than 600 migrants have returned to Guatemala since Trump’s possession
Labor opportunities
When consulted by journalists about what kind of work the deportees can do, the ruler replied that “it is very difficult to define in advance where the returnees are going to be located. We do not know who they are, what skills they have, if they are formal or informal, if they access credits, what we do is part of the plan, the second phase there is a process in which the Guatemalan Institute of Migration (IGM) and with the Ministry of Work (Mentrab) ».
Arévalo explained that these entities interview the returnees to identify what their qualifications and capabilities are, and if they bring some formal.
On the other hand, President Arévalo indicated that conversations were conducted with different companies, with the private sector, with which they are willing to absorb migrants.
«Those capabilities will be determined when they come. Many people will come with a lot of experience. In air conditioning facilities.
Arévalo said that the country’s tourism industry grew by 13.7% last year, and the 3 million visitors were exceeded, and «all these people who speak English, or bring experience in hotels, cruises, restaurants, the first task is to have this process ».
Caficultores claim that they can give work to returnees from the United States