Expo Spirituality WTC CDMX, October 04-06, 2024. Anna de la Earth present

Expo Spirituality WTC CDMX, October 04-06, 2024. Anna de la Earth present
PR Newswire
Mexico City, October 6, 2024
Mexico City, October 6, 2024 / PRNewswire / – The most important spiritual Congress in America took place in Mexico City this October 4, 5 and 6, 2024. The third edition of this important event has been a Success in terms of organization and call, however the true importance of such congregation is the dispersion and energy dissemination through each and every one of the attendees; That is, the acquired experiences and the energy received, both consciously and unconsciously, will be transmitted for the benefit of light, which today more than ever need in the world.
A positive thought is the beginning of everything, it is the way in which our energy field begins to be transformed and can have an impact that we do not imagine; Thus, this forum has already become an authentic energy portal that nobody disappoints or leaves indifferent; Everyone is welcome, regardless of religion or spiritual preference, because the objective is to celebrate the multiplicity of roads and tools that are within our reach to be better human beings and live in better conditions in our short stay in the current earthly plane.
Christianity, pre -Hispanic worldview and its still living wealth, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, all converging in the same space in which mysticism, spirituality and brotherhood are the common denominator. An environment that is sought to reproduce worldwide, and therefore this event integrated into the same forum to communication, therapists, spiritual leaders, representatives of holistic medicine and shamans. It is important to highlight that, little by little, the idea that esotericism is the antithesis of religion, and this has allowed people to access a deeper, forceful and rewarding knowledge about their own beliefs.
Anna de la Earth, a Chamana woman, has had a very important role in the dissemination and call of this event, because over the years she has contributed to spreading the most powerful universal principle: love. A love that takes thousands of forms, which is present at every moment and in every place, and that can be perceived, accepted and transmitted through multiple elements dominated by Anna, such as: sacred herbalism, divine-ancestral communication and perception of sensory target .
Anna de la Earth presented a wonderful dance-ritual based on our ancestral customs, which was harmonized by Eztli Vidal with the touch of the shamanic drum that connects us with the first vibration that as humans we know in the mother’s womb, our mother’s heart being the greatest energy of pure love.
Some of the issues that were shared by different exhibitors were: · Emotional medicine,
· Runes and Mántric Cantos,
· Prosperity,
· Opening to consciousness.
Chamanism in its purest and most divine expression, Anna de la Earth and its Chamanic wisdom, are in full expansion to promote personal and spiritual growth in the world, which has achieved through its literary works, conferences, courses, courses and workshops.
In this third edition about 20 thousand attendees and 300 exhibitors, working together for generating knowledge and interior change. A fourth edition will come, which we wish to see it soon replicated in other latitudes, so that this experience and energy embraces and helps more people in the world.
Drafting: Emmanuel GonzálezContacto Wisdom Chamanicanna de la Tierrawhatsapp: (+52) 55 6966 5886email: ventas@sabiduriachamanica.comVISITA WISTER CHAMANICS IN AV.
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2524108/expo_espirituality_wtc_cdmx___sabidur_a_cham_nica_id_d313e4891f1f.jpg
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Source of Chamanic Wisdom