ICE intensifies deportations from Miami with the policy of “the first first”

The Immigration and Customs Control Service (ICE) has intensified its application of immigration laws in the south of Floridafollowing the guideline of the administration of Donald Trump to prioritize the expulsion of undocumented immigrants considered a threat to the National and public security.
According to Telemundo 51 Miami, Garrett Ripainterim deputy director of field operations of ICE in Miamiexplained that the strategy is due to an ideology of “The worst first”which implies that people with serious criminal records They are the priority objective. However, it made it clear that anyone in irregular situation could be subject to coercive measures by the American immigration authorities.
“Each individual in the USA that is deportable or inadmissible in the States Joinedregardless of whether it has a crime or not, it is potentially an individual against whom we could take a coercive measure, ”said Ripa in statements to NBC6.
The official stressed that, although cases of National and public security They have priority, the immigration policy allows anyone in irregular situation can be arrested and subject to a process of deportation.

The reinforcement of Deportations has generated concern in the Immigrant community southern Floridaespecially among those who do not have criminal records But they are in the country of irregular way.
According to the report of Telemundo 51 Miami, Ripa emphasized that the application of the immigration policy Follow a legal process in which each case is individually evaluated to determine the possible deportation. “When we make arrests of illegal immigrantseach case is analyzed to know if it deserves a deportation, ”said the official.
The process may include the opportunity to present a case before a Immigration judgealthough in some cases the expulsion is immediate, depending on the background of the detainee and if there is already a previous deportation order.
“If someone arrives at the prison of the ICE Having that process of removal, that means that a Immigration judge has already ordered the deportationthen in those cases the deportation It could be much faster than that of an individual who reaches the jail And he still has to go through that process of removal, ”Ripa explained.

This means that those who have already received an order from deportation They can be expelled from the country in a short period of time, while others must go through immigration audiences in which the decision could appeal.
One of the recent changes in the immigration policy of the Trump administration It is the possibility that local authorities retain until 48 hours to people considered “Inadmissible or removable” Before being delivered to ICE. “Generally those cases are taken to the criminal jail, and then, through the biometric process, we obtain the notification that the individual is in the local prison,” Ripa explained.
This procedure allows local order forces to cooperate with the ICE To identify and stop undocumented immigrants that have been arrested by others Crimes. The Trump administration has emphasized the importance of this collaboration to reinforce the national security and reduce the presence of immigrants in irregular situation in the country.

However, defending organizations of the Immigrant rights They have criticized this practice, arguing that it could lead to arbitrary arrests and affect people who do not represent a risk to the community.
Ripa said the work of ICE in Miami It has not changed significantly, but has been reinforced with the help of other federal agencies. “What we are doing today is what we do every day. We are doing it with the help of more of our federal partners, ”he said.
Although the official did not provide specific figures on the number of Deportations Recent in the South Floridahe reiterated that ICE strictly follows the guidelines of the Federal Administration and that each case is evaluated individually.
The increase in detention and deportation operations in Miami is part of a broader effort of the government of Donald Trump To harden the immigration policy and reinforce security in borders.