IX Conference on Spirituality, Anthropology and Mental Health – Iglesia Navarra

The Archbishopric of Pamplona and Tudela together with the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences “San Francisco Javier”, and in collaboration with the diocesan delegation of Pastoral Care of Health and the Elderly and the Hospitaller Sisters, have organized the IX Conference on Spirituality, Anthropology and Health Mental.
These conferences, which will deal with the topic “The meaning of life”, will be held at the Council Seminar of Pamplona, ​​on September 13 and 14.
The question of the meaning of life is something central to human life. We are called to fullness, we need to be oriented… We have to learn to live and, sometimes, suffering, the lack of hope and goals for which we fight or not being loved, create a strong feeling of emptiness. The Christian faith and the cultivation of spirituality, of the life of prayer, is a proposal of meaning. From a multidisciplinary approach (psychiatry, philosophy, theology) the organizers will offer this important and perennial topic. As Frankl reminded us: “He who has a why to live can endure almost any how.”
On Friday the 13th the sessions will begin at 5:30 p.m. with the welcome and presentation. At 5:45 p.m. the conference “Psychology and meaning of life” will take place, given by Manuel Martín, psychiatrist and medical director of the Hospital Sisters of Navarra and president of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health. After a dialogue with the speaker, the second conference will take place at 6:45 p.m., titled “Subjective reconstruction therapy for existential emptiness,” by José Luis Carrasco, professor of Psychiatry and head of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital Service. . That day’s session will end with a dialogue with the speaker.
On Saturday the 14th, it will begin at 9:30 a.m., with the conference “The meaning of life in the light of “The Little Prince” by A. de Saint-Exupéry”, given by Andrés Jiménez, professor of Philosophy at the CSET Saint Michael the Archangel. After a dialogue with the speaker, at 10:45 a.m., you can listen to the conference “The experience of the Risen Lord, an existential transformation through the action of the Holy Spirit,” given by Carmen Picó, doctor in Theology and specialist in Sacred Scripture by the Pontifical University of Comillas. After the corresponding dialogue, at 12:00, there will be a round table, moderated by Iñaki Ilundáin. In the afternoon, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., you can participate in the two scheduled workshops. The first of them will be titled “Genesis 1-2,3: the meaning of human life. A look from the origins” and will be offered by ISCR and CSET professor, Koldo Esteban. The second workshop in which you can participate will be “Beloved, loved. Beyond meaning”, offered by Teresa Iribarnegaray, professor of Spiritual Theology at the ISCR.
The registration price is 70 euros and 50 if done online (only presentations, no workshops). Registrations can be made from August 21 to September 8. ❏

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