Javier Milei shakes the Davos Forum with his speech and attacks “the left” d

The Argentine president, Javier Milei, said this Thursday at the Davos Forum (Switzerland) that the battle of the political leaders who claim to fight for freedom “is not won” and asked not to give up until end the ‘woke’ ideology, which he described as “cancer”“mental virus” and “pandemic of our time.”
“Our battle is not won,” Milei said in a speech to the plenary, in which he said that, “although hope has been reborn,” that fight will not end until the majority of Western countries “return to embrace the ideas of freedom”.
In subsequent statements to the press, the Argentine president said that the head of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, tries “shut up all those who think differently” with his proposals to regulate social networks that he raised in the Forum.
“I am not at all surprised that a socialist like Sánchez tries to silence all those who think differently and that the only message is the one he wants,” he said, while cdescribed the speech of the head of the Spanish Government as “regrettable, like all the things he says and does.
Javier Milei, president of Argentina. Photo:AFP
He pointed out that Argentina is a ‘world example of fiscal responsibility’
Milei, who is participating for the second time in the World Economic Forum (WEF) after attending in 2024 just a month after his inauguration, indicated that, since then, he no longer feels alone because the world “has embraced Argentina” and its country has been a “world example of fiscal responsibility,” “of how to end the problem of inflation” and “of a new way of doing politics.”
Also, he added, that throughout this year he has found “comrades in this fight for the ideas of freedom in all corners of the planet” among whom he has cited the “wonderful” Elon Muskthe “fierce Italian lady” Giorgia Melonithe Hungarian Viktor Orbánthe Salvadoran Nayib Bukele, the Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump, in the United States.
“Slowly an international alliance has been formed of all those nations that want to be free and that believe in the ideas of freedom,” he added, and appealed to remove “the cancer” that the ‘woke’ ideology represents, which he also described as a “mental virus” and “great pandemic of our time.”
Milei called the ‘woke’ ideology “cancer” Photo:AFP
Before a practically full auditorium, in whose first row was sitting his sister and general secretary of the Argentine Presidency, Karina Milei, the president accused the Davos Forum, but also supranational organizations such as the European Union, of promoting the ‘woke’ ideology, which he described as “sinister and murderous.”
“Here no one can pretend to be innocent. They have worshiped for decades a sinister and murderous ideology as if it were a golden calf and they have moved heaven and earth to impose it on humanity,” he added, and assured that multilateral credit organizations “have been an extortionate arm” and many national states, and in particular the EU, “have been and are an armed arm”.
He invited other governments to ‘write their own verses’
In his speech he addressed the leaders of the world, both business and political, and international organizations, to whom he assured that the political formulas of recent decades “have failed” and “are collapsing on themselves” and “the script of the last forty years has been exhausted”.
“It’s time to get out of that script, it’s time to be bold, It’s time to encourage yourself to think and to encourage yourself to write your own verses because when the ideas and texts of the present say everything the same and say the wrong things, Being brave consists precisely in being extemporaneous.consists of going back, not letting yourself be dazzled,” he added.
The Argentine president, Javier Milei. Photo:AFP
After ensuring that this is what Argentina is doing, “return to liberalism”and trusting that this is what Trump will do in the United States, he invited all the great free nations of the world to do so, asking them to “stop in time what, by all accounts, is a path that leads to catastrophe“.
“What I am proposing to you is that we make the West great again,” he concluded, alluding to the Republican president’s motto.