José Manuel Armenteros, former president of AIRD, dies

Santo Domingo.- The Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD) reported this Saturday on the death of the engineer and businessman José Manuel Armenteros Rius99 years old, who presided over the entity in the periods 1976-1978 and 1978-1980.
Through his social networksthe AIRD expressed his condolences to his family members and assured that they will remember him for his valuable contribution to the development of the national industry.
Armenteros Rius was founder of Mendoza, Armenteros y Asociados (Mendar, SA) in 1954, a company through which contributed to more than 200 projectsamong which those oriented to the multiple use of rivers, design of rural aqueductsprojects hydroelectricnumerous hydrological and hydraulic studies, among others.
Read: Book one hundred years of memories of Armenteros presented
It was also founder of the Pro-Nature Fund (ProNatura), a non-profit organization working on watershed conservation, resource inventory, soil conservation practices, reforestationuse of timber resourcesnational park management plans, ecological restoration, community organizationtraining, radio programs on environmental education and research for the conservation of biodiversity.
In the educational field, it was founder and vice president of the Catholic University Foundationvice president of the UNPHU and member of the Pro-Education and Culture Action (APEC), among other educational and cultural institutions.
In addition, he participated and represented the country in various international organizations in different periods, highlighting his participation in the Inter-American Bank Development in Vancouver, the Inter-American Federation of Consultants in Mexico, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Washington and Tokyo.
Last year, in an emotional event that brought together distinguished personalities from the business world, family and close friendsthe memoirs of Armenteros Riustitled “Almost 100 years of memory, from a man of long numbers.”