“Legendary Steels: The First Knight” – ‘Crowley’s Tavern’ on EDENEX – – EDENEX – La Radio del Misterio

At Crowley’s Tavern, where every corner is impregnated with stories and secrets, we invite you to sit at the round table, that special place where the aroma of steel and leather revives the epics of yesteryear. In this new installment of Legendary Steels, Master Sergious, our narrator and mythology expert, will take us on a fascinating journey through time to explore the mythical story of Escalibur and its legendary owner, King Arthur.
Was Escalibur just a sword or a symbol of a greater power? What truths are hidden behind the legends of Camelot and its knights? Discover how this weapon forged in myth became an immortal emblem of power, justice and loyalty.
Master Sergious will not only unravel the mysteries surrounding Arthur and his sword, but will also explore the connections between legend and history, theories about his origin, and the cultural impact he continues to have today.
Come closer, listen, and let the echo of the legendary steels transport you to a time when magic and chivalry ruled the world. Could there be some truth behind the myth? Find out with us at Crowley’s Tavern!
https://www.edenex.es #EDENEX #laradiodelmisterio