Mercadona reveals the mystery of the numbers printed on its eggs
Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 1:00 p.m.
Mercadona has thousands of customers and that is why their products and every new feature they add have a great impact. The company has now clarified one of the doubts that many users ask: what do the numbers printed on the eggs it sells in its supermarkets mean. The chain has responded through its Customer Service channel, where it also answers how it is possible to know the origin of the product.
Mercadona indicates in this regard that the letters ES mean that they are of Spanish origin. The company’s main supplier is Huevos Guillén, a company based in the Valencian town of Paterna.
In addition, the Valencian company and its supplier are working on a project that aims to ensure that, starting in 2025, all the eggs that will reach the shelves of its stores come from “cage-free hens.”
Mercadona also counts among its suppliers Marcopolo Comercio, located in the Valladolid municipality of Aldeamayor de San Martín and Granja San Miguel, in the Zaragoza town of Villarreal de Huerva.
As for the numbers, in addition to the expiration date, they also have a meaning:
0-Organic Egg: hens with access to the outdoors where they can go out for a walk, dig, peck, but they feed on feed from organic farming.
1-Free-range Egg: chickens with access to the outdoors where they can go out for a walk, dig, and peck.
2-Floor-raised chicken eggs: Chickens that can move freely around the house without going outside.
3-Cage-raised chicken eggs: it is the most common type of breeding in Spain, always complying with European animal welfare regulations.
In all cases, the rest of the digits printed on each egg are to identify the farm of origin.
The Valencian company has already begun the progressive abandonment of the sale of products from chickens raised in cages. As reported by ABC, Mercadona emphasizes that “this situation is temporary,” since in 2025 its “bosses,” as the company calls its customers, “will only find cage-free eggs.”