Mexico joins Trump

The most tense days of Mexican politics since Claudia Sheinbaum came to power have also become the most profitable time for the president. The latest published surveys raise citizens’ sympathies by the president until exceeding 80% and that people did not know that the call held on Monday with Donald Trump would achieve a month of truce before the dreaded tariffs on Mexican export. Mexico closes ranks with its president in the face of external threats, those that arrive from the United States, which could seriously affect the economy, and laughs with it other occurrences, such as the imposition of tariffs on Mexican products by Ecuador, a minutia that Sheinbaum He dispatched with a cena.
The business, which a left -wing group cannot be said in any country in the world, is a good meter of the political climate that these days is lived in Mexico. The sector has greeted the president of the president in her negotiations with her American counterpart, to whom she started a month of truce before the imposition of tariffs on Mexican exports in return, for now, of symbolic gestures, such as the increase by 10,000 Agents of the police presence on the border, say to combat fentanyl traffic and the incursion of migrants. But what Donald Trump is looking for is to reduce the intense consumption of Mexican products in his country: last year, the United States imported goods from Mexico for a value that exceeded 466.6 billion dollars.
Sheinbaum’s plan is that Mexican business produces more for the domestic market, to cover 50% of the national supply and consumption and raise 15% manufactured for Mexico in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, electronic, semiconductors, pharmacist, pharmacist or chemical, among others. Made in Mexico and for Mexico, that is the request of the Secretary of Economy, Marcelo Ebrard. And this same Tuesday, the plea fell on cotton in a businessman grateful for having another month without tariffs, all of February.
The statements of men like Claudio X. González, founder of Kimberly Clark Mexico, had to be read twice to convince themselves that they were not a mistake. The businessman assured, after the meeting with the president in the National Palace, that the “Cold Head” strategy of the president is the way to follow. “We are going to get the treaty (free trade between the three American countries, TMEC) in good terms, there will be certain turbulence on the road, we should not scare ourselves because we have what to get it forward,” he said. The same momentum of camaraderie marked the statements of other economic leaders, such as Carlos Slim Domit, who enlisted to accelerate the Mexico Plan before Trump regrets and returns with the cantinela of the tariffs. The father of Slim Domit, the great Mexican tycoon, has maintained good tune with Sheinbaum from the outset, but Claudio X’s son. González, also of the same name, has been a black beast for the previous government in Mexico.
Thus, entrepreneurs are preparing to advance in the government’s economic document, which provides investments for 277,000 million dollars at the end of the six -year period and the creation of 1.5 million jobs to place the country among the first ten economies in the world.
The opposition is also saving a low profile, without stridency. And if politicians and entrepreneurs are good, even more success Sheinbaum among the general population, always prone to Mexico to put themselves next to their government and their flag before threats from abroad. Mexico has only 200 years of independence and defends its national sovereignty. The attack on the Mexican embassy in Ecuador, in April of last year, triggered an identical phenomenon of support to the government, which López Obrador headed then, the same one whom the Argentine Javier Milei called ignorant in March without the Mexicans becoming grace some. It does not always happen. Spain could be cited as the opposite example, where the opposition celebrates the displants towards its government of foreign leaders or institutions and does not lose a second to align with critics.
While the country celebrates or, at least, it breathes relieved by the alleged triumph of the policy over bravery, that is, the cautious management of Sheinbaum and his team of economic punishments that Trump promised, thousands of national guard agents are already coming out Towards the northern border, the almost 3,200 kilometers that separate both countries and that are the Achilles heel from the bilateral relationship. To transfer the 10,000 promised uniformed ones, the effort is being distributed throughout the country: about hundreds of Campeche, others from Yucatán or Quintana Roo, or the Valley of Mexico, where there are more guards or where less violence is suffered. Sheinbaum has sold it as a “reorientation of the forces” and does not lack reason when he says that on the border they are required, because it is a territory with a high criminal statistics, in areas also pressed by migration, such as Ciudad Juárez, Matamoros or Tijuana, to cite some examples. But in Mexico the crimes are not missing anywhere, although sometimes it is the police itself who commits them.
In Mexico, this month is expected not only a binge of exports, in case after the tariff The controversial border in search of opportunities. The United States has been asked, in contrast, that the massive sale of weapons with which the posters are provided. But the true enemy, aside, are tariffs, and on the other, the bulky import of products that come out cheaper.
(Tagstotranslate) Mexico
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