Monday of the 1st week of Ordinary Time – HOMILY by Mons. Munilla
Read the podcast for Monday of the 1st week of Ordinary Time
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After yesterday we celebrated the baptism of the Lord in the Jordan River, concluding the Christmas season, today, Monday, ordinary time begins, a time in which we focus on the public life of the Lord and obviously it is very interesting to pay attention to what readings have been the chosen by Turkish law, which has this great pedagogical capacity to show us the scriptures which have been the readings chosen for the beginning of Ordinary Time. The first is the prologue of the letter to the Hebrews, the first six verses of the letter to the hebrews who are wonderful in which it is emphasized that this jesus who begins his public ministry is the culmination of the old testament says in many ways god spoke in ancient times to our fathers through the prophets but in this final stage he speaks to us through of the son now this son who revealed himself yesterday was rebelled revealed himself manifested himself in the Jordan River this is my beloved son god the father who spoke to us through the prophets now he is going to speak to us through the son that is to say god is going to speak to us to speak through Jesus Christ through his word through the words and preaching that Jesus is going to address to us in his public life then the first reading of the prologue and moving on to the second reading which is taken from the gospel of St. Mark, Chapter One, Verses Fourteen and Following, it must be emphasized that the trigger for the public life of Jesus began was the attention of John. He says that after John was handed over, Jesus went to Galilee and began to proclaim is the arrest of John the Baptist, who in that public baptism had been the prophet chosen to manifest who Jesus, this is my beloved son in whom I have my pleasure, now he has been arrested and the public life of Jesus and the The public life of Jesus begins by announcing that the kingdom of God has come to us the time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is near first call second call to conversion convert and believe in the gospel and thirdly also this gospel of Saint Mark also begins to notify also begins to collect the first calls of Jesus to his apostles come after me those are the three words according to the Gospel of Saint Mark the three first words that Jesus addresses to us in his public life the kingdom of God is near, the time has come, convert, call to conversion and come after me. Let’s ask God for the grace to live intensely this ordinary time that today we begin the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. descend upon you