Mystery as a British woman, 24, dies and German couple are hospitalized after suffering severe disease at the Hotel de Sri Lanka such as police investigation

A British woman has died after suffering a sudden and inexplicable disease while she was staying in a shelter in Colombo, Sri Lanka, which led the authorities to open an investigation into her death.
The unidentified woman, 24, died on Saturday after being admitted to the General of Colombo, the National Hospital of Sri Lanka, due to serious vomiting.
A couple of German citizens were also experiencing the same symptoms and were admitted to the hospital together with the British, but according to the reports they responded to treatment.
Police are now conducting an investigation in a shelter in the Kollupitiya area of Colombo, where the three victims stayed when they became ill, selecting their rooms to inspect, said Sri Lanka’s Daily News.
Officials of the Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka and a judicial medical officer also participate in the investigation.
The police media spokesman, the main superintendent of the Buddhika Manathunga police, confirmed that the deceased was a 24 -year -old British citizen, but did not give more details.
The mysterious incident occurs weeks after a group of tourists died in Laos after drinking shooting with methanol.
The British woman Simone White, 28, and the Australian Bianca Jones, 19, died in the horrible incident in November along with two Danish women: Anne-Sofie Orklid Coyman, 20, and Freja Vennervald Sorensen, 21 years, and a 56 -year -old American man.
The unidentified woman, 24, died on Saturday after being admitted to the General Hospital of Colombo, the National Hospital of Sri Lanka, due to serious vomiting
When inaugurating an investigation into the death of Mrs. White last month, a court heard that she died of methanol toxicity that led to an intercranal hemorrhage.
Police in Laos are still investigating the incident, which killed five people who consumed shots in the Nana backpack hostel.
The manager of the shelter and Cantinero Duong Duc Toan, who served the shots, denied that it was his tiger vodka that had ill to tourists.
He was later arrested along with seven other personnel members by the police.
Mrs. White’s mother, Sue, 61, told how she made the heartbreaking decision to get her daughter out of life support after her condition worsened.
She said: ‘Simone was such a popular girl and fun of fun, who was very well thought out.
“What happened is absolutely tragic, she had everything for her.”
Simone White, 28, died in Laos on November 21 after drinking shots with methanol
Methanol is sometimes found in alcoholic beverages in Southeast Asia as a cheaper and falsified alternative to ethanol.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued orientation to the British who travel to the country, warning them against the consumption of replicas of alcohol brands that can contain hidden amounts of methanol.
In an update provided to the coroner, the FCDO said: ‘The ambassador and the consular team recently met with the general director of the Registry Department of the Foreign Affairs of the Registry.
‘Confirm that the investigation is continuous and complex.
“Our ambassador requested that the British embassy in Votentiane be updated as soon as there is information available, recognizing that the consultation will take time and a report will not be issued until the conclusion of Laos’s police investigation.”