Mystery in Antarctica: from Google Maps you see a face that seems to be human

An unexpected discovery in Google Maps has captured the attention of thousands of Internet users worldwide. It is an image in which A human face seems to be distinguished Sculpted in the Antarctica snow, which has generated endless speculation by users in networks, who think that it is a past civilization or that it is a sculpture buried under ice. The issue has been commented on mystery forums.
This human face It has been interpreted by Internet users in various ways, because although some consider it a simple natural phenomenon, others have suggested that it could be a hidden message in the ice or evidence of buried structures. In addition, they have also argued that according to conspiracy theories, Antarctica has long been a mysterious place for those who visit it.
(Also read: Google Maps image helped clarify mysterious murder in Spain)
This looks like a face in Antarctica
The coordinates 72 ° 00’36.0 “S 168 ° 34’40.0”E were shared by a Reddit user, who when exploring the area with the satellite tool of Google Maps He found the unusual training. In the image, it distinguishes what seems like a face with a well -defined nose, an enthusiasm and a visible mouth. The finding was quickly compared to the famous “Mars’s face”a rock formation photographed in 1976 by the Viking 1 probe that, for decades, fed theories about the existence of artificial structures on the red planet.

The apparent human face It seems to have particular features, because some describe it as Asian and with an expression of anguish or suffering. And even though Antarctica It is the least explored continent of the planet and has been the source of numerous mystery theories over time, this satellite image is nothing more than a simple ice and snow formation that resembles a human figure.
Among the most famous myths of the Antarctica is the ‘Hollow land’, According to a theory of Richard Byrd that was never proven, it ensures that there is an underground world through hidden cracks in the ice. There are also those who believe that Antarctica could house ruins of a lost civilization, buried under kilometers of ice with the passage of the millennia.
What is behind the mysterious in Antarctica
Despite the most intriguing theories, it is believed that there is a more rational explanation based on a psychological phenomenon known as Pareidolia. This is the trend of the human brain to recognize family patterns, especially faces, in random images. Examples of this phenomenon are the “man on the moon”, the figures that seem to form in the clouds or the shadows in mountains that resemble faces.
According to NASA, The human brain is scheduled to identify faces even where there are no, which would explain the famous “Mars’s face” and now this new finding in Antarctica. “It is a psychological phenomenon in which we see recognizable forms in clouds, rock formations or other unrelated objects or data,” the institution explained on its website.
“That is like seeing figures in the clouds”, “it is basically the same as when we see animals. Our brain” creates “images from random elements that seem Some of the comments of users on social networks.