Mystery in Boedo: a man set up a printing press and took his life

A lifeless man was found during the early hours of Tuesday inside a imprint that had fired, located in the neighborhood of BoedoBuenos Aires.
The victim, who had been denounced for sexual abusewas found with a shot in the head and a weapon at the scene.
The man’s couple was the one who alerted the police after the man declared him the intentions of taking his life. However, when police officers were present at the place located on Quintino Bocayuva 1471 street Boedo, it was already late. The printing press had been set on fire. After controlling the flames, firefighters They found the body of man inside the premises. In addition to the weapon and the gunshot wound, the researchers found written messages on the walls in which he referred to the alleged bad treatment received by their co -workers.
These do not like authoritarians
The exercise of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.
The printing press where The victim worked was closed and a structural inspection was ordered to assess the damage caused by the fire that shocks the neighborhood of Boedo