Mystery in Corrientes: They found a man dead and beaten inside a well

A 46-year-old man was found lifeless inside a well and the authorities investigate how their mysterious death happened. It’s about José Francisco Ifram, 46. As it transpired, it presented a serious head injury, although the autopsy revealed that he died from cardiorespiratory arrest.

The dramatic episode occurred last Saturday, after 17 in the city of Governor Virasoro, province of Corrientes. The victim’s body was found by a neighbor in the courtyard of a farm located in the neighborhood Narciso Vega.

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The strange thing about the case is that The man had signs of blows. The authorities try to find out the circumstances in which the death occurred. The main hypothesis indicates that It was a decompensation and that the wounds have been the product of the fall, however, Justice investigates all possibilities.

The man was found in the well of a farm. (Photo: Gentileness Diario Time)
The man was found in the well of a farm. (Photo: Gentileness Diario Time)

The property in which IFRAM was found is located on Arroyo Ayuí street, near the former municipal garbage dump. According to the information published by El Portal Correntino Diario Time, It was a friend of José Francisco who gave his father’s sad news. The man had been looking for his son for a long time since he had left hours before and had not returned home.

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When the agents of the Third Police Station of Governor Virasoro and the volunteer Firefighters personnel arrived at the scene, The body had already been removed by the victim’s father. The authorities warned that The body had a deep injury, allegedly sharp, in the head. At first they believed that the man had fought with other people and had been injured.

Faced with so many questions and the mysterious details that surrounded the death of man, justice ordered that an autopsy be practiced to obtain greater precision of what happened. This is how it was learned that The cause of death was a cardiorespiratory arrest. In turn, the experts indicated that The body had at least eight hours inside the well When they found him.

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