Mystery in Luján and Maipú for the finding of human remains

Monday’s intense rain not only caused floods, he also overflowed the MENDOZA RIVER and The mud removed by the strong drag of the water. Such is the case, that mysteriously on Tuesday there were human bone remains on the edge of the flow in Maipú. But before there was another discovery in Luján de Cuyowhich also caused questions.
The mystery began on Monday, when a person gave notice to 911, denouncing that I buy land to fill a land and in the cargo human bones came. This happened around 18, on San Miguel Street, in the gates.
The second case was reported to Justice, this morning shortly before noon, when a worker warned that he was in the district of Lulunta, near the entrance to Luján’s bites. There, the operator took a scare when he observed a skull and other bone remains on the riverbank.
Automatically, the Public Ministry ordered the scientific police personnel to move to the signed places to protect the remains and initiate an investigation.
By the state in which the bone remains were found, it is believed that they have been aware for several years and were removed by the last storm.