Mystery in the Rímac River: Why did you change color and what does Sedapal say?

Mystery in the Rímac River: Why did you change color and what does Sedapal say?
The Rímac River, known as the ‘Talking River’, is essential for the supply of drinking water in Lima and Callao. (Photo: Social Networks)

In the last hours the Rímac River has been news after images where color changes. What happened?

An unexpected color change in the waters of the Rímac River It generated concern among Lima the afternoon of last Tuesday, February 4, after the dissemination of images and videos that showed a reddish hue. This phenomenon was observed from the Trujillo bridge to the Alameda de Chabuca Granda.

Inhabitants and social media users expressed their concern, sharing comments and videos of the red dye river. “He Rímac River It is red at this point, “a user published, while others wondered if it was a case of pollution or a natural phenomenon.

Rímac Río changed color: What happened?

In response to what happened, SEDAPAL issued a statement: “SEDAPAL It guarantees the quality and safety of drinking water supplied to the population of Lima and Callao. Water collection and treatment in our plants are carried out normally, strictly complying with quality standards, ”was the first thing they mentioned.

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Sedapal spoke for Rímac River color change

In another paragraph, they added the following: “At the height of the Bocatomas Atarjea and Huachipa, the Rímac River presents the usual turbidity of the season, without registering any unusual coloration. The alteration in the color of the water occurs downstream of our gates of our gates of collection, so it does not represent a risk for the supply process. “

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SEDAPAL He reaffirmed his commitment to guarantee drinking water service. However, experts insist on the need to investigate the origin of the phenomenon to prevent environmental risks and ensure the sustainability of the river in the future.

It should be remembered that the Rímac Riverknown as the ‘talkative river’, is essential for the supply of drinking water in Lima and Callao, as well as for electricity generation. However, its basin faces challenges for human activities such as mining and waste discharge.

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