Mystery surrounds the death of 24 -year -old Colombian in Tennessee
The mystery surrounds the death of Yurany Isabella Motta Rodrígueza 24 -year -old from the department of Huila, in Colombia who died in Portland, Tennessee.
“(Yurany) died tragically last Sunday, February 2, 2025 in Portland,” he exclaimed Maria Victoria Motta Rodriguezthrough Gofundme, where a campaign is organized to help the family with funeral expenses.
“He came to the United States like all of us, with the illusion of getting ahead, she was bilingual, very hardworking and dedicated to her two sisters,” he exclaimed about it Agnesa bia of the deceased to Nashville News.
According to the woman, her niece – born in the town of Isnos and resident for years in Pitalito – graduated from the Pontifical Javeriana University of Bogotá and came to the United States in November 2022. On November 24, he contracted nuptials with the American James Bellarwho apparently is a member of the US armed forces, as detailed The nationin Colombia.
“They met in 2020 or 2021 on a trip that she did here, of tourist,” said the woman who spoke in detail about the last time they saw her niece.
“We were at the house of one of my sisters in Portland, at a dinner that she herself organized for the farewell of the husband, because she was going to be forwarded in the army,” the woman exclaimed. “We were there, we had dinner at 8:00 of the night. ”
“They had a discussion during the party,” said the woman. “I saw him quite taken, I know he doesn’t take, but that night was happy and took a lot; I understand that she vomited “explaining that Yurany and her husband would have left for 2:00 in the morning.
At 5:00 am elements of the local police arrived at the family’s residence looking for Emeraldone of her nieces of the interviewee, to inform her that Yurany had died. “There are things that are not clear,” Inés’s husband added in this regard to express the family’s concern about the mystery that is around the case.
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According to the newspaper Extra The Colombian government, through its consulate in the US, has been notified of the case and is expected to provide support to Yurany’s family in the necessary efforts.
The young woman’s body would now be at a funeral home in Portland while waiting for her father to travel in Nashville to go to the funeral, pending her visa.
“The cause of his death is still a matter of investigation by the authorities,” he clarified in Gofundme.