Pablo d’Ors’s ten advice to the spiritual search engine

On February 12 he arrives at Libraries Devotionthe last work of the writer and priest Pablo d’Ors, a narrative version of the classic of orthodox spirituality Stories of a Russian pilgrim. In him d’Ors reflects on his main spiritual teachings, some of which sends in response to the questions of Alfa and Omega.
No one can give what he does not have, so the inner adventure begins with the ability to open and welcome. It is necessary to be very open to learning and, above all, to release all prejudice. If we really listen, we cannot help put ourselves on the way; And if we put ourselves on the way, the road is done in us. We just have to worry about being there, the rest will be given to us in addition. If you take care of the things of God, he deals with yours. As is.
You can’t travel the path yourself. As we do not come to this world for ourselves, but because a mother and a father bring us to him, so we enter the life – with capital letters – through the mediation of a teacher, which gives us a concrete tradition, a determined style, a wake. As said so many times, the teacher appears when the disciple is prepared. Your true teacher is one who marks a before and after in your habits; And that’s why, precisely, as you can recognize it. You can have affective or intellectual affinity, or not, that does not matter. The decisive thing is that in his presence you feel peace, love and joy; And that drives you to be better.
Follow the discipline that tells you, give him a vote of trust – although only for a few months – in order to verify the effectiveness of his teachings. Obedience is the most perfect expression of humility; And humility is the starting point and arrival on the spiritual path. Do not stay in the techniques, but be rigorous with them. And always aim at the bottom of things, which is love. You are Christ, or Buddha, if you love others like yourself. Have confidence: you can be Christ, you can be Buddha; You are, even if you don’t know.
Understand that the materialistic vision, in which you have probably been educated, is wrong. It is the spirit of life who sustains everything. You access the awareness of that vital energy thanks to the cultivation of attention, which you train in meditation and in the chores of everyday life, because no activity is better than another.
If you suffer for your cause, it is because you need it. Also realize that all these obstacles are not, in reality, impediments to make the way, but the path itself. He thinks that any suffering that comes to you is emotional, physical or sentimental, but that you are called to a spiritual life.
Do it briefly because darkness are dangerous and drag your territory if you stay too long in them. Loving because it is only love, in short, what saves. Replace the dark with the bright: perhaps a positive statement, or a jaculatory, or a simple conscious breathing that connects you with your heart …
To do this, he thinks that what is convenient is always happening and, in that sense, although sometimes he may not seem, the best. Respect everything that happens abroad, without reacting or intervening. Self-responsibility of everything you feel inside, understanding that it is only yours. Accept that nothing is good or bad, but everything is fine as it is, although always at its level of evolution. Over time – less than you imagine – you will understand that absolutely everything is for good.
Perceive that at every moment we die to what we are not, but that what we are in the background remains unchanged. If you frequent that background of being – beyond the forms – if you get used to being in it, you can perfectly live in peace and taste fullness. Do not be silly and you are overwhelmed for having reached this point.
If you live according to a clear moral code and precise you will see how life smiles at you, because everything you see is a perfect mirror of what you have inside.
Love others as yourself, because you are yourself. He feels how the soul is the desire to do good, and enjoy the fact of living to grow and serve.