Pets: the AI decipher the mystery: the secret language of cats at the end revealed – show TVN

Cats have been considered for a long time as Independent and Enigmatic Animalsbut a new study suggests that its social world is much more complex than we imagine. Thanks to artificial intelligence, scientists have discovered that felines subtly imitate the expressions of their classmates, a behavior known as Fast facial mimicry (RFMfor its acronym in English). This finding defies the belief that they are insensitive to the emotions of others and opens the door to a new understanding about their behavior.
In an experiment led by Brittany Florkiewiczevolutionary psychologist Lyon College, and Anna Zamanskycomputer scientist of the Haifa Universityresearchers used a system of Artificial intelligence to analyze the facial expressions of cats With unprecedented precision.
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The team studied a group of cats in a Los Angeles coffee, where they recorded their interactions for hours. Then they used a tool called Catfacswhich manually classifies facial expressions, and combined it with AI to detect real -time patterns.
The software identified 26 facial movements unique from 48 reference points on the face of cats. When analyzing these data, scientists found that in 22% of the interactions, felines reflected the expressions of their classmates. This reflection, although subtle, like a Light flattening of the ears or the elevation of the upper lipwas linked to friendly behaviors in 60% of cases.
According to Florkiewiczthis mechanism fulfills a key function in feline communication: “Facial mimicry tells them: ‘Does my playmate still have fun? Do we continue to build a positive social bond? ‘”
These results suggest that the RFM It could be a precursor of empathy in cats, A concept generally associated with more sociable species such as dogs or primates.
Cats communicate with a speed and subtlety that escapes the human eye. Zamansky He explained that, without the help of artificial intelligence, these imitation patterns would have gone unnoticed even for feline behavior specialists: “The expressions reflected among cats are so fast and discreet that they are undetectable even for the most trained observers.”
The impact of this technology is not limited to research. In the future, cat owners could use tools based on AI to evaluate compatibility between cats before they live together or to anticipate possible conflicts in homes with multiple pets. Published in the magazine Behavioral Processthe investigation documented 276 different facial expressions in catsused to communicate from friendly intentions to warning signs.
The veterinary behavior specialist Daniel Mills, from the University of Lincoln, who did not participate in the study, emphasized: “Many people still believe, erroneously, that cats are a species to a large extent not social. However, the facial expressions described in this research tell another story. ”
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