Promote spirituality in the diocese

For the Bishops.

Promote spirituality in the diocese

Promote spirituality in the diocese


It is necessary to promote in all dioceses (in some it is already underway) a continued attempt at spirituality and interior life in the clergy. The prayer campaign is already launched. We are convinced of

that the heart of God will be moved by everyone’s prayer. And charismatic men and women will emerge to help with this priority task. In the meantime we have to do our part as much as we can.

We know that this has to increase. Priests are eager for interior life. Much of the time previously lost in this area is back.

Form small cenacles as Father Nieto wanted. Promote friendship in faith, as a group of priest friends has been doing for years. Several days a year dedicated to retreat, prayer and mutual spiritual encouragement serve as a glue for them. Create small centers of spirituality in each diocese, as happens in Navarra with the priest Maisterra in a semi-eremitical life. The Lord, with him as an instrument, is radiating his light in a significant sector. Something similar is happening in the province of Cáceres in a community of religious “Slaves of Mary and the Poor.”

“May God grant that, from the intimacy of Christ, the Apostles arise,” the Pope told us last June 12 in Seville. And no matter how much scientific pastoral we rely on, if the

priest is not in love with Jesus Christ, we can achieve little.

(1) “New Life” no. 1905 page. 17

(2) “New Life” no. 1913 page. 11

José María Lorenzo Amelibia

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