Purísima Spirituality Center of Lo Vásquez will hold a cycle of online conversations

Month of Mary: Lo Vásquez Purísima Spirituality Center will hold a cycle of online conversations
Conversations will address topics related to the Virgin Mary, her presence in the Holy Scriptures, popular spirituality and sanctuaries.

In the context of the Month of Mary, the Lo Vásquez Purísima Spirituality Center has organized a series of four conversations, in which it will address topics related to the Virgin Mary, her presence in the Holy Scriptures, popular spirituality and sanctuaries. They will be broadcast via social networks, every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
The Spirituality Center, in collaboration with the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, the Institute of Religious Sciences and Philosophy of the Universidad Católica del Norte, the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Santiago, and the Biblical Center Claretian, they will hold four conversations that seek to be a space for formation and accompaniment during the time of the Month of Mary. The topics addressed will be:
November 13: “The importance of Mary in the New Testament”, Juan Pablo Sepúlveda (P. Catholic University) and Alejandra González (Good Shepherd Congregation).
-November 20: “Collective expressions in the Bible, as challenges to popular religiosity”, Jaime Michea (Claretian Bible Center of America) and Teresa Garrido (Diocese of Calama).
-November 27: “The sanctuary, a biblical place of encounter with God”, Guillermo Calderón (P. Catholic University of Valparaíso.) and sister. Marta Cayo (Divine Master Congregation).
-December 4: “Mary, popular piety and dance in the Bible”, Ibar Astudillo (Universidad Católica del Norte) and María Victoria Zamorano (Metropolitan Association of Religious Dances).
The broadcast of the conversations will be carried out through the Facebook and YouTube platforms of the Bishopric of Valparaíso, the Purísima Sanctuary of Lo Vásquez, the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso and the Catholic University of the North.
Source: Valparaíso Communications
Casablanca, 05-11-2024