SAINT, the new spirituality App that wants to reconnect Catholics with the faith
Discover the saint of the day and his teachings, the main Christian prayers or watch Church news on video. These are some of the contents of Saint Catholic Lifestyle, a new Spirituality Application. Its creator, the North American businesswoman Ira DeWitt, explains the origin of this project.
Founder of SAINT
“The reason I developed the SAINT app was because I felt there was sometimes a real disconnect between the Church and the people. There are many people who want to go to Church or connect with a priest, but do not have access. And I wanted to give the possibility to those who are curious about Catholicism, as well as to those who are ready within the faith and want to connect with it, but lack the possibility.
The Application offers the possibility of praying the rosary with actress Ali Landry, as well as organizing pilgrimages to the most devout places in the world.
Founder of SAINT
“The app in no way replaces the experience of going to Church or connecting with a priest. But there are many people, for various reasons, who cannot do these things, whether for financial reasons, illness, or because they live in a country where you are not allowed to practice your faith. Also, there are people who are traveling and might want to connect. Basically, it is about bringing the Church to today’s new frontier.”
On the occasion of its launch, the documentary ‘Benedict XVI: In Honor of the Truth’, winner of the Emmy Award in 2024 and prepared by Rome Reports, is offered exclusively. The SAINT Catholic Lifestyle App is now available in English. The Spanish version will be released in the coming weeks.