Social Security: who will receive their payment on Friday, January 31 and how much | M.A.G.

Typically, Supplemental Security Income payments are distributed on the first day of each month. However, when that date falls on a weekend or holiday, as in the case of February 1, which is a Saturday, payment is advanced to the previous business day. In this case, payments corresponding to February 2025 will be distributed on January 31, one day earlier than usual. This adjustment ensures that beneficiaries receive their financial support without delays, even during weekends or holidays.
Additionally, people who received Social Security before May 1997, as well as those who receive both that benefit and SSI, will see a payment on January 31, while Social Security will be paid on February 3. This is a relevant detail for beneficiaries who receive both types of deposits, as they must be aware of the specific dates for each of them.
The SSI payment on January 31 will benefit people who meet certain requirements established by the Social Security Administration. This benefit is primarily intended for individuals who have disabilities that affect their ability to earn income or who are over 65 years of age. To qualify, people must have limited resources and demonstrate that their physical or mental conditions prevent them from working.
Recipients of the SSI program include people with significant disabilities, such as blindness or physical and mental illnesses that limit their ability to perform everyday activities. Additionally, couples filing jointly are also eligible to receive a higher amount, up to US$1,450, while individuals can receive up to US$967. For citizens who provide essential support to beneficiaries, the payment can be up to US$484.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) will make a payment on January 31 to a portion of its beneficiaries (Photo: AFP)
To qualify for Supplemental Security Income payments in 2025, applicants must meet certain age, disability, income and resource criteria. Regarding age, those who are 65 years of age or older are eligible to receive the benefit. Additionally, people under age 65 may qualify if they have a physical or mental disability that prevents them from working and performing essential daily activities.
Blind people, for example, qualify if they have a visual impairment that significantly limits their daily life. Additionally, applicants must demonstrate that their condition has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months or will result in their death. To be eligible for the full payment of US$967, you must meet these medical requirements and demonstrate that your resources do not exceed certain limits established by the SSA.