STONELESS AVOCADO | A Spanish fruit seller reveals the mystery of the pitted avocado: “Avocado abortion”

In addition to its nutritional properties, avocado has been the subject of numerous studies that highlight its health benefits. Research published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information suggests that regular consumption of avocado can improve heart health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content.
Likewise, its inclusion in the daily diet has been shown to help regulate blood sugar and promote satiety, which is beneficial for weight control and the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
All these properties, together with its great application to modern recipes and the multicultural cuisine that is increasingly successful in Spain, mean that the consumption of avocado has spread widely in the country’s homes. And this despite the fact that its price is not exactly reduced.
Avocado in Spanish gastronomy
Culinary creativity in Spain has known how to take advantage of the possibilities of the avocado. From the traditional avocado and tomato toast at breakfast to more innovative additions in sushi and tapas, avocado has proven to be a versatile and appreciated ingredient.
Renowned chefs have experimented with this fruit in haute cuisine dishes, combining it with seafood, meats and other native products to create unique proposals that delight the palate.
A trend that is here to stay
The rise of avocado consumption in Spain shows no signs of slowing down. With its combination of flavor, versatility and health benefits, avocado has established itself as an essential food in the diet of many Spaniards. Its presence in stores and markets, as well as its inclusion in restaurant menus, reflects a trend that is here to stay, adapting perfectly to the modern lifestyle and the search for a more balanced and conscious diet.
Thus, avocado has become more than a passing fad; It is a food choice that combines the best of nature with the demands of the contemporary palate, reaffirming its place as an indispensable superfood in Spanish gastronomy.
The mystery of pitted avocado clarified
El Frutero Tiktokero, who triumphs on the social network by giving advice on fruit and vegetables and telling curiosities, wanted to explain the reality that is hidden behind the mysterious pitted avocado. Because yes, there is a type of avocado that has no pit and also has a very creamy texture. But everything has its story behind it.
Perhaps many were unaware of its existence, but the TikToker Frutero wanted to reveal the reality. Yes, it is a smaller and elongated avocado, and, in reality, as explained, it is the product of a mechanism of the avocado tree, which strengthens some fruits and therefore takes energy away from others, which remain undeveloped. at all and they have no bone.
El Frutero Tiktokero opens one of these avocados in his video to show that it really has no stone and also says that there are those who call them “avocado abortion.” Another curiosity with which this fruit and vegetable influencer has triumphed.