The barefoot carmelitas have a new website to publicize their activities and houses of spirituality

- Teresian charisma
- Prayer, silence, closeness and reception
- Renew all websites
- Visual identity of the province

The province of Santa Teresa de Jesús de los Carmelitas Descalzos has announced the launch of “contemplating life”a web portal that brings together the programming of its houses of spirituality and religious stays.
Father Francisco Sánchez Oreja, Superior of the Iberian Province of the Barefoot Carmelites, stressed that the objective of this transformation is “to offer a simple and attractive tool so that anyone can approach and participate in the activities we program, while reinforcing the joint identity of our houses and the sense of belonging within the community ”.
Teresian charisma
The initiative,, aims to unify the image of the province, jointly show the activities carried out and reinforce the feeling of belonging Among all the people who usually participate in the activities that are organized from the different houses of the barefoot Carmel.
The new website offers an introduction to the Teresian charism and allows you to immediately consult all the programming of the houses. Through a joint agenda, those interested can know exactly the dates and detailed information of each activity, which guarantees a constant update and a simpler planning for users.
Each event has a record where the user access the information of each activity with the precise data to participate in it if desired.
In the programming they are already announced Spiritual exercises, conferences and retreats.
Prayer, silence, closeness and reception
“The Barefoot carmelites We have received from Teresa de Jesús and Juan de la Cruz, the charisma of spiritual life. We want live this spirituality Every day and Share it With all who visit us. Therefore, for several decades, we have adapted several of our communities to welcome those who want to approach the Teresian charism“, Pray your website.
These lodges and convents are places of prayer, silence, closeness and reception. “Very different places from each other but that have as a point of union the simplicity and spirit of fraternity that Santa Teresa de Jesus left us as an inheritance,” they explain.
Renew all websites
In addition to launching “contemplating life”, the province of Santa Teresa de Jesús de los Carmelitas Baref is working on the renewal of the websites of each of the hosts and centersso that all present the same design and the same structure.
Specifically, the websites of the stays of Caravaca de la Cruz, Toledo, Ávila, Segovia and the Las Palmas desert, the Desert of the Batuecas and the hermitages of Córdoba. Each renewal will follow the design of the main page and will be announced in the media of the province.
Visual identity of the province
With all this, the visual identity of the province will be reinforced and the information consultation will be facilitated. The new pages will show a main image with a summary of each house, icons that illustrate its main characteristics, data on the number of rooms, meetings and chapels available, and a gallery that brings the visitor closer to the surroundings of each space.
A specific section will also be included where the singularity of each house, In addition to complete programming and direct access to the province website and the pages of the rest of the centers.

(Tagstotranslate) Barefoot Carmelites (T) New Website
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