The most wanted migrants by ICE to be deported

Since Donald Trump assumed power in the United States, a great began massive deportation operation in the main cities and states. In that line, the customs immigration and control service (ICEfor its acronym in English) leads the process in collaboration with agencies, from federals to premises. The priority, as their officials recognized, are those migrants who “They mean a threat to public security”.

The arrests, according to media, included people with serious history, such as kidnapping and sexual aggression. Photo: Flickr (Usicegov)
In the midst of this panorama, there are certain migrants who, due to their background, are the ones that the most ICE wants to capture. Through its website, the agency has a section where it shows the faces of the most wanted. In the subcategory of “for deportation” there are Latinos.
Thus, it is possible to obtain in detail the photograph of each individual, their physical descriptions, history and criminal record To make it easier to identify each one by citizens.

ICE published a list of the most wanted criminals with deportation order.
Divided into categories, the list of criminals with deportation orders is composed of eight individuals With crimes of migratory violations, homicide and illegal re -entry to the countryof which some were arrested, others captured and the rest remain in search. Some of them are:
The 39 -year -old individual and a native of Dominican Republicit is of interest to the ICE for crime of drug trafficking and re -entered the country illegally. In 2011 he was sentenced to 46 months of imprisonment by the Federal District Court for the Central District of Pennsylvania By cocaine base paste distribution and have and distribute 500 grams of cocaine.
In 2018 he was arrested again in New York for sale of narcotics, but was released with pending charges. Years later, in January 2020, the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York issued an arrest warrant for illegal re -entry to the country.
On the page they communicated that the man already He was captured by the authorities.
The 40 -year -old from Guatemala It accumulates a series of crimes for which he was deported. After his illegal re -entry they sought and captured him.
In the description, it is detailed that Ayala Martínez has convictions for “attempted purple raid in third grade, domestic violence, Operate a vehicle while it was intoxicated, use of controlled substance, purple raid, illegal entry without the permission of the owner and malicious destruction of property ».
This citizen of Guatemala34 years old, was removed from the United States in 2018, but re -entered illegally without being admitted or inspected by an immigration official.
He was deported was to endanger the life of a child (he recorded and photographed the minor) And he was imprisoned for three years. Their data indicates that it was captured by the ICE.

ICE agents acted in collaboration with federal agencies such as FBI and DHS to expand the scope of operations. X (@HSI_MIAMI)
In this list are:
In a section on the official page, the agency indicates that in case of seeing any of the mentioned persons, it is important not to try to capture them, but must communicate immediately with The local office of the service of immigration and US customs control (ICE, for its acronym in English) to the direct national line to the 1-866-DHS-2-IN.
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