The mystery behind a shattered truck of the son of a former convicted deputy

Although the incident left no victims, the material damage was considerable. The truck ended with the bomper shattered and, as revealed in networks, the driver could be Iván Andrés Díaz Barrerason of former congressman Iván Díaz Mateus and Lina Barrera, former minister of sport and current president of the National Promoting Company of Territorial Development SA
The most surprising thing is that, after a preliminary investigation, The vehicle was not registered in the name of Iván Andrés Díazbut in the name of Yaneth Carolina Sarmiento, resident of San Gil. In addition, the truck had no comparison or fine for traffic offenses.
Despite the impact of the case, the investigation did not advance significantly, which, according to some nearby sources, could be due to a possible economic agreement with the owners of the damaged vehicles. This type of incidents highlights the growing concern for road safety in Bucaramanga, a city that has seen a remarkable increase in the number of accidents.
According to the National Road Safety AgencyBucaramanga registered 71 victims in traffic accidents for 2024which marks a significant increase compared to 59 victims reported in 2023. This increase is the highest in the last 15 years and highlights the serious situation in the streets of the capital of Santander.
María Antonio Tabares, general director of the entity, soon made a call to caution. “These figures are alarming, since any injured can be a friend or a relative. It is even more tragic when deaths are reported by breach of traffic regulations,” he said, urging drivers to comply with the norms and the authorities to be stricter with the offenders.
The agency’s report reveals that weekends They are the days of greatest incidence in fatal accidents. Sunday It concentrates 28% of mortal claims, followed by Saturday with 18% and Monday with 14%. Compared to the previous year, 12 more fatal victims joined the statistics, which represents an increase in 20% in deaths in the main roads of the city.
Among the 1,268 injured reported, 45% were motorcyclistswhich underlines the vulnerability of this group to traffic accidents. Others affected include pedestrians (35%) and vehicle passengers (12%), while cyclists represent a minimal fraction (1%).
The tragedy of these accidents continues to hit the Santanderean families, and the authorities insist on the urgency of taking more rigorous measures to curb the growing wave of road accidents. Safety in the streets of Bucaramanga remains a pending challengewhich demands a real commitment of all the actors involved.