The mystery of Cleopatra: the intriguing exhibition about the most famous queen in Egypt in the IMA

It is a mythical figure in ancient history: discover the secrets of Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, with the exhibition “The mystery of Cleopatra”, presented at the Institut du Monde Araba from June 11, 2025 to January 11, 2026.
His name and legend have resisted the passage of time: Cleopatra VII ruledThe ancient Egypt More than 2,000 years ago. The mythical sovereign of the Ptolemaic dynasty is one of the best known figures in the ancient world, but reality does not always support the numerous stories that are told about Cleopatra.
HeInstitut du Monde Arab Raise the veil about this legendary queen with the exhibition Le Mystère Cléopâtrewhich can be visited from June 11, 2025 to January 11, 2026.
Today, Cleopatra is considered a seductive and strategist, known for his love relationships with Julio César and Marco Antonioand associated with passion, death, wealth and war. For centuries, its history has been Romantized In plays, operas and ballets, novels, paintings, movies and sculptures … but there is no guarantee that it is true. In fact, no old biography gives credit to the stories that are told about Cleopatra, and his reign is greatly studied through the prism of western eyes.
How to unravel the true of the false, to find the historical figure within the legend? The Institut du Monde Araba wants to draw a more realistic portrait and documented of The Queen of Egypt, away from fantasies and fiction figures built according to the desires and needs of artists.
From the last Historical research and archaeological, This exhibition is proposed to restore the truth about Cleopatra VII and decipher the cultural phenomenon surrounding the sovereign and its legend.
Promises to be a fascinating exhibition, which you can discover in theIMA From the summer of 2025.