The mystery of solar parks that produce electricity at night

The thermosolar power installed in Spain (2,300 megawattsor 1.8% of the entire power of electricity generation installed in the peninsula) has been able to generate 1.6% of the total peninsular production in 2024, while gas (24,562 megabytes of power in power in The Peninsula, or 20% of the generation peninsular park) produced 13.2% of electricity in 2023. Both generation parks (the Termosolar National Park and the combined cycle power plants that burn natural gas to generate electricity) compete to win the night (the night electric market). They compete with each other and compete with all the “storable energies” (the water of the hydraulics, the coal of the thermal plants, the uranium of the nuclear). They are all, the energy sources that can be stored and delivered on demand, which meet the electricity needs during the night, when the sun does not shine and can (or not) blow the wind.
The struggle to get the night generation among all these technologies (combined cycle, nuclear, large hydraulics) is brutal. Because the prices that users pay for electricity at night are much higher, almost every day, than day prices. Because of the above: the sun rises through the day and the wind is not always available, as coal, gas, uranium or … the thermal salts of the tanks of the thermosolar plants can be available.
Protermsolar, the employer association that represents the Spanish sector of the thermoelectric solar industry, has just presented its 2024 balance, and the result is very concrete: the 49 thermal centrals today operational in the country have generated in the twelve months of this year until last year until 4.127 Gigavatios Electricity time, and 25% of that total have turned it to the network during the night. “The storage capacity of the thermosolar – explains the association – has allowed a constant generation, even during night hours.”
The Spanish Association for the Promotion of the Thermosolar (Protermosolar) Industry The Data: The thermosolar energy – specified yesterday in its balance – has made a nightly contribution (20.00 – 08.00 hours) to the energy mix of 1,025 gigawatts hour (GWh) for 2024 , which represents 25% of its total generation. “Thanks to its storage capacity, which allows you to generate energy constantly and reliably 24 hours a day, this technology – they point out from the association – has experienced a 3% increase compared to the same time period of 2023 (20.00 – 08.00) “
In global terms, thermal energy has contributed 4,127 gigawatts time (GWh) to the total generation in 2024, and its relevance has been even greater – he presumes protermosolar – during the summer months, “reaching contribution peaks close to 3% of the mix National Energy and generating 5% of the total contribution of renewable energies during this period, data that highlight the reliability and differential value of this technology to guarantee energy supply. “
Protermsolar highlights the virtues of its technology
«These figures underline the relevance of thermosolar technology in the achievement of the decarbonization objectives, because, thanks to its manageable and renewable character, it provides firmness, flexibility and safety to the electrical system. In addition, its storage capacity has been essential again in the Spanish energy mix by providing a constant and reliable generation during all hours of the day, including night hours, thus reducing the energy dependence on fossil fuels and third countries.
Spain currently has 49 thermosolar plants in operation, located mostly in rural regions. These facilities have generated a significant impact on the so -called ‘Emptied Spain’, promoting the sustainable development of these communities through the creation of direct and indirect employment, as well as the strengthening of local economies from the first phases of construction. This positive impact reinforces the role of thermal energy also as a territorial cohesion engine.
Thermosolar technology is a multi-product technology that offers energy production and renewable synchronous power, management through supply storage and safety, generating employment and wealth in depopulated areas. The great proposal for the value of thermosolar energy makes it a competitive technology for the Spanish electrical system in stages of high renewable energy penetration »
In the context of the National Energy Mix, the renewable generation in 2024 has again surpassed that of fossil sources. Water, wind, sun, biomass and waves have produced a total of 148,453 GWh, compared to 117,582 GWH of dirty generation (fossil and nuclear fuels).
Óscar Balseiro, general secretary of Protermsolar: “The data of 2024 guarantee the strategic role of thermal thermal energy in the decarbonization of the electrical and industry system. Its ability to generate renewable energy during all hours of the day positions it as a key technology to integrate other non -manageable renewables and guarantee an efficient and sustainable electrical system. However, the growing incidence of zero prices either negative in the electric market and Technical restrictions* imposed by the system operator in 2024 have evidenced the need for greater storage capacity and more robust strategic planning. The thermal thermos is a unique solution to decarbonize both day and night hours, providing independence and technological autonomy to the Spanish energy system ”
Protermsolar is the association that represents the Spanish sector of the thermoelectric solar industry. This technology, which can produce thermal energy (heat) or electricity has numerous plants, both central that generate electricity (such as those that occupy us), as facilities that produce heat at medium and high temperature, heat (thermal energy) which is used in industrial processes (drying, dehydrated, sterilization, etc.) of very diverse sectors (food, pharmaceutical, brewer). As far as the generation of electricity refers, Spain is Top 1 of the world for installed power, with almost 2,300 operating megawatts, which is approximately one third of world capacity. Come on, there is not a single nation right now that has more installed power than ours.
* Renewable energy losses are multiplied by ten in the Electricity of Spain
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(Tagstotranslate) Renewable Energies
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