The mystery of the fall of Aurora Tila

Aurora Tila, the 13 -year -old girl who died in Piacenza on October 25, 2024, falling from the balcony of the building where she lived with her mother, was probably pushed. The injuries he had would be incompatible with suicide. It is the hypothesis raised by the forensic doctor Giovanni Cecchetto, of the Institute of Legal Medicine of the University of Pavia, in the conclusions of the autopsy performed on the girl. For the death of Aurora, the ex -boyfriend of 15 years is in prison, accused of voluntary homicide. A witness had counted having seen Aurora hanging from the railing while the boy hit with his fists in his hands to fall. The results, as the Piacentino Libertà newspaper reported, show that the injuries in the back of Aurora’s skull would suggest that it fell back, probably after a push, and that it did not launch forward as it would presume the intention of a voluntary act. A scenario that overlaps with the picture described in the order of precautionary custody of the Court of Children of Bologna against the ex -boyfriend of Aurora, which was arrested at the end of October accused of voluntary homicide and is currently in prison. The young man, defended by lawyer Ettore Maini, had initially told the investigators that Aurora had fallen alone. And he denied any position. Aurora, according to the autopsy, presented numerous fractures, all attributable to the fall from the top. But the letals would have been in the head. Injuries that would have caused immediate death. Another crucial point of the autopsy exam is the one that concentrated on the injuries found in the hands of the girl and, in particular, in the knuckles. The carabineros of the Piacenza research nucleus, who were entrusted with the investigations that continue with still ongo . Two witnesses would have witnessed the scene, although from a certain distance. A third person would have heard the girl’s desperate screams. From his story a chilling detail arose: Aurora would have been seen clinging to the railing while the boy hit his hands with his fists to make it fall. The injuries in Aurora’s hands was a detail that had already arisen with the first legal medical verifications in the victim’s body, signs that had been considered compatible with the blows of the ex while she desperately tried to save himself. And it was one of the elements that led researchers to convince themselves of the responsibilities of the 15 -year -old, together with the testimonies. In the interrogation that was submitted on October 25, the day of the tragedy, the 15 -year -old had said that Aurora had fallen alone. And also later denied any accusation. In the box of elements collected, also the messages with which Aurora had entrusted to the friends, the particular sister, possessive and violent attitudes of the 15 -year -old. Precisely the sister from the beginning had accused the ex -boyfriend, denouncing on social networks her behavior, publishing the chats with which the victim was relieved. Aurora’s family had also told the Carabineros that the 13 -year -old girl had talked about it with social services, but the City Council of Piacenza replied that no signaling of this type had arrived. Videos also circulated on the days after tragedy. One that testified the night presence of the ex -boyfriend near the building where Aurora lived, a few days before the death of the girl. In another, the 15 -year -old scene had been recorded insulting, shaking and hitting Aurora on a bus stop.
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