The mystery of the most popular car in Álava – Norte Exprés

There is a completely overturned car in an accident on the A-1 near Vitoria. Nobody has done anything for several months. And the emergency services are forced to pass by there every few days. What is the mystery of the most popular car in Álava?
Once upon a time, on a road lost in time and space, there was a car that decided that its destiny in life was not to roll on the asphalt, but to become a contemporary sculpture.
It happened last summer and it’s been about half a year now. This vehicle suffered an accident and was left upside down, literally, in a ditch. But the story didn’t end there… It began there!
Over the months, it went from being a car to becoming a local legend. That’s why there are calls from citizens notifying them of their presence. From the moment it was overturned, has generated a whopping 15 “false” interventions by firefighters, they say. Fifteen. Someone passes by, sees the car and says (made up conversation):
- —My God, an accident! Notify the firefighters!
- And the firefighters, who already had the car booked, surely sighed and thought:
- — The usual car again… Or not?
And of course, when in doubt that it is a current accident, they act.
Maybe the time has come for the road maintenance service decides to remove it to avoid further confusion. and to avoid wasting emergency service resources.
15 false interventions! They even seem few to us due to possible citizen calls! If one day they retire it, someone will surely miss it. The last action of the firefighters was this Tuesday. And it lasted 20 minutes. More than a quarter of an hour without worrying about other important things.