The mystery of the north of Neuquén about the packages with medicines for 27 million pesos is revealed

The appearance of mysterious packages with medicine in the north of Neuquén opened new questions about what is happening in the territories that are close to the border with Chile. As the hours passed, it was revealed that it could be smuggling and It was confirmed that they opened a case, although the case remains without arrests.
The Cajón de Los Chenques located in the north of the province of Neuquén, very close to the border of Chile, was the site of an incredible million-dollar discovery on January 10.
During a patrol, the National Gendarmerie came across bags that contained veterinary medicine, clothing and other products, all valued at an estimated cost of $27,863,416.
The mystery that is still not completely solved because they were not able to arrest a person responsible, suggested that it would be smuggling from or to Chile. The Zapala prosecutor’s office classified the case as a possible violation of Law 22415.
This violation would be “carry out actions that prevent customs control of imports and exports”. Last year, a similar case was also detected in Neuquén, at the Pino Hachado International Pass and the merchandise consisted of fveterinary weapons with a millionaire value.
According to what is established in the law, some of the customs infractions consist of: refusing to provide the reports or documents that the Customs Service requests; Prevent or hinder the action of the Customs Service and introduce merchandise that is not admitted into the customs territory.
More than $27 million in packages with medicines, clothing and other products from foreign industry
In the report shared by the Gendarmerie it was explained that the medications found are for veterinary use and from a foreign industry.
They also contributed that once they had been transported, they opened all the packages to take a count of the merchandise where there were:
- 76 serums for horses
- 389 various medications for horses
- 286 energizers for horses
- 1208 vitamin supplements for horses
- 148 “gaucho” type clothing items
- 15 dunks
Gendarmerie evaluated that all the merchandise would have an estimated cost of $27,863,416. It was kept and at the disposal of the Neuquén Customs Office.