The new migratory restrictions would also affect other legal routes of entry to the United States

The policies migratory implemented by the administration of Donald Trump They have generated a significant impact not only on the irregular immigrationbut also in the legal channels that allow the entry of people to USA. As reported CBS Newsthese measures have restricted humanitarian programs and of shelteraffecting thousands of people displaced by conflicts and crises in countries such as Ukraine, Afghanistan, Haiti and Venezuela.
From the beginning of his second term, Trump has prioritized a firm position against the irregular immigrationbut their actions have gone further by also limiting legal routes. Among the most outstanding measures is Suspension of the refugee admission programwhich left more than 22,000 people previously approved to enter the country after an exhaustive selection process that can last between 18 and 24 months.
In addition, initiatives such as the use of the policy of “have been arrested”parole”, Which allows the temporary entry of foreigners for humanitarian reasons or public interest, and migration evaluation offices have been closed in Latin America.
One of the first actions of the Trump administration It was the indefinite suspension of the refugee intake programa policy that allows the entry of people who have proven to be persecuted for political, religious reasons or other factors. As detailed CBS Newsthis decision left more than 22,000 in Limbo refugees that had already been approved to travel to USA.

These people, from conflict areas such as Ukraine and Afghanistanhad gone through a selection process that includes interviews, security verifications and medical exams.
In addition, the Government instructed the resettlement agencies, responsible for integrating refugees into communities Americansto stop the use of certain federal funds. This measure, according to defenders of the rights of refugeesit has hindered the provision of essential services for those already found in the country.
The reactivation of the program will depend on Trump Determine that it is “of interest to the United States”, arguing that refugees represent a burden for local communities.
The policy of “parole”, Used in the past to offer temporary refuge to people in emergency situations, it has also been subject to restrictions. According to The New York Times, The Trump administration ordered to stop the granting of this benefit to immigrants from countries such as Ukrainewho had been welcomed under the “Uniting For Ukraine” program implemented by the government of Joe Biden. This program allowed the arrival of approximately 240,000 Ukrainians after the Russian invasion.

Likewise, the renewal of the status of “was suspendedparole“For more than 70,000 Afghas evacuated after Kabul’s fall in 2021. Although many of them have obtained asylum or special visas for collaborating with the US forcesthe measure could leave some without a legal status in the country.
Other affected initiatives include sponsorship programs for citizens of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuelaas well as a policy of the era of Barack Obama that allowed young Central Americans to meet with their families in USA legally. These policies, designed as alternatives to the irregular crossing by the southern border, have been criticized by Trump administration officials, who believe that the Biden government abused the authority of the “parole”
The Trump administration also closed the offices of “Safe mobility”Established by Biden In countries of Latin America. These offices aimed to evaluate and process Legal migration requestsin addition to offering resettlement in countries such as Spain and Canada.
Another controversial measure has been the suspension of mobile application CBP Onewhich allowed the migrants in Mexico program appointments to enter USA by official entry points. During the Biden government, this tool facilitated the entry of 1,500 people a day, promoting a legal alternative to the irregular crossing. However, the Trump administration deactivated the application minutes after the former president assumed the position on Monday, January 20.

In addition, agents of Immigration and Customs Control (ICE) To revoke the status of “parole”Of more than 530,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela, as well as about one million migrants who entered the country through CBP One.
Among the most controversial proposals of the Trump administration is the elimination of the right to citizenship for immigrants born in USAincluding those with parents who have Temporary visas. Although this measure was arrested by the courts.
In addition, Trump asked federal agencies to evaluate the possibility of imposing partial or total prohibitions of the immigration From countries whose citizens cannot be properly investigated.